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Posts posted by knotzen

  1. I got my worst haircut when I was 5. I had long, silky hair (first pic). My dad took me in for a haircut, and I came back...a boy! (Second pic--me on the left, with my bro.) My mom and grandma were furious--I think my mom may have even cried. smile.gif


    I didn't mind the ultrashort hair cut until I started ballet lessons shortly after, and a girl in the class told me to go stand with the boys, because I looked like a boy. cry.gif Bitch. boxing_smiley.gif





  2. cry.gif



    p.s. "John Frieh", go fuck yourself you self-righteous prick. Pretty much everybody on this board knows who I am. I'm not anonymous (at least with this avatar). evils3d.gif


    Alpinfox?? Never heard of no Alpinfox. Anyone else ever hear of this interloper?

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