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Everything posted by knotzen

  1. knotzen

    Worst Haircut Ever?

    I got my worst haircut when I was 5. I had long, silky hair (first pic). My dad took me in for a haircut, and I came back...a boy! (Second pic--me on the left, with my bro.) My mom and grandma were furious--I think my mom may have even cried. I didn't mind the ultrashort hair cut until I started ballet lessons shortly after, and a girl in the class told me to go stand with the boys, because I looked like a boy. Bitch.
  2. I knew I should have had a V-8!
  3. Trust your shoes; you're not gonna fall. Hmm, I wonder what this lever does... I ran into my ex-girlfriend today. Boy, does she look good.
  4. Alpinfox?? Never heard of no Alpinfox. Anyone else ever hear of this interloper?
  5. knotzen

    It 's HUMP day

    Saturday's "dahhrling, will you get me a cocktail?" day.
  6. knotzen

    It 's HUMP day

    hump is a state of mind.
  7. They're addictive, aren't they?
  8. You are entering dangerous territory! Don't lose your grip on unreality, yo.
  9. Of course this makes sense, because if you changed your eating habits and increased your exercise, without taking weight-loss supplements, you would lose weight. Combining the two multiplies the effect of both of them.
  10. Leavenworth! I would be happy to live there.
  11. knotzen

    It 's HUMP day

    Definitely. After working with a series of sucky managers, I'm really wanting to work for myself. I can be my own bad manager.
  12. knotzen

    It 's HUMP day

    Tomorrow's another day.
  13. HEY!! Don't be eating chocolate on my weight loss thread!!! Holy flying mylar horsecock.
  14. Or fiber. That works better for Americans.
  15. AlpineK and I had a couple of beers and a chat. Everyone else apparently got lost and ended up at a bar on 8th Ave. in Seattle called the Sumphouse. So, that was the Eastside Pub Club.
  16. Squishy Bell and Headlight Point, both at Exit 38 (north side of I-90), are for the most part out in the open so should dry out quickly after the rain stops and the frost/morning mist evaporates. They have a good range of difficulty, from pretty easy to harder-than-I-can-climb. Check www.northbendrock.com for details, or the book if you have it.
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