Our pretzeldent is SUCH a fucking ass hold.
Criminy fucking banana pie.
I mean, really. Let's throw good money after bad. Let's tell them *this time* WE'RE REALLY SERIOUS (can we make those caps any bigger?).
I just...give up. He and our troops on the daily firing line are beyond hope. And today, another memorial for a Washington kid killed there. How many for Iraqis killed in their neighborhoods, in their homes? Does George care? Know?
Saddam killed a thousand, George Bush...tens of thousand, hundreds of thousands? For what? "Freedom"? Freedom from what? Nothing, that's what. They continue to be an occupied country, with death a daily threat and reality. 20,000 more American troops won't change that. 3,000 dead American troops since 4/03 have not changed that.
Thank you, and God bless Miss America.