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Everything posted by prole

  1. Probably would've been charged a nominal fee, certainly not bankrupted. He lived to be 86 years old, I'm not sure what kind of R&D intensive, highly advanced medical technology, cutting edge pharmaceuticals or profit seeking health care industry is responsible for his longevity.
  2. I wouldn't go as far as to say a separate market, maybe more like payday loan places for people who want to get the wrinkles taken out of their scrotums and the like. That wouldn't be covered under my new system.
  3. Not my program, it's some bastardized Frankenstein version of Romneycare born of compromise with the insurance lobby and the attempts to gain Republican support for passage. In that sense, it's as much your program as anyone else's. WTF?? It got exactly Zero Republican support. It's YOUR program; don't try your weasel bullshit now. (I do like your earlier suggestion though.) I've always suggested single payer. Just because it didn't get Republican support doesn't mean the plan wasn't designed as a compromise in order to gain that support. A flawed strategy.
  4. But knowing your other denialist tendencies, I'm sure you're willing to argue an "it wasn't broken, why fix it" position...
  5. Not my program, it's some bastardized Frankenstein version of Romneycare born of compromise with the insurance lobby and the attempts to gain Republican support for passage. In that sense, it's as much your program as anyone else's.
  6. Sounds like you're getting milked by your insurance company. They loves them some high health care costs.
  7. Lower the Medicare eligibility age to 0, buy insurance if you want/need it. It's what Obama should've been selling to Americans all along, instead of engaging and compromising with a group of vested interests with no intention of bargaining in good faith. Hillary won't make those same mistakes.
  8. No worries, a lot of the issues will get sorted out under a single payer system instead of the one Obama was able to wrestle out of the insurance companies and their politicians. The current system was concerned at least as much as keeping insurance companies afloat as it was providing affordable care. Time to get those parasitic middlemen out of the equation entirely.
  9. prole

    I've had it!

    Dude's got a huge boog.
  10. prole

    I've had it!

    Yeah, keep the sexually frustrated adolescent male fantasy alive Kojak!
  11. prole

    I've had it!

    I was not. I was deliberately blaspheming your messiah and mocking both you and all his followers. LOL. Thanks for that, good stuff.
  12. prole

    I've had it!

    Cause when I'm looking for humor, I always go straight to KaskadskyjKozak: Old Sad Metal Dude
  13. prole

    I've had it!

    It's okay FW, I know you were drunk when you wrote that.
  14. prole

    I've had it!

    Ah yes, thank you for the chance to both revisit this late-summer gem and for the opportunity for a 'teachable moment'. You see Fairweather, the humor in the post derives from what we call a 'play on words'. The word 'stroke' carries a double meaning here, taking on its usages both to hit a baseball and to denote a cerebrovascular accident. The wordplay here takes on a playfully sardonic dimension when considered in the context of the Mariners' continued mismanagement and epic suckitude under Wedge, who as it seems, was more interested in sucking on chili dogs and Kools during his tenure than bringing this ragged shitstain of a franchise close to something remotely resembling .500. I hope that helps. Leftylib compassion for fellow human being. Now I get it! It will be also much funny when the cigarette-smoking shistain suckituder in the White House who is presently resemble .360 strokes out in similar way. I will make satire and irony then because stroke is also golf 240 times to be lazy and stroke is also ego which is him. This will be triple irony wordplay and you will laugh too surely. Get a life, dumbass.
  15. prole

    I've had it!

    Ah yes, thank you for the chance to both revisit this late-summer gem and for the opportunity for a 'teachable moment'. You see Fairweather, the humor in the post derives from what we call a 'play on words'. The word 'stroke' carries a double meaning here, taking on its usages both to hit a baseball and to denote a cerebrovascular accident. The wordplay here takes on a playfully sardonic dimension when considered in the context of the Mariners' continued mismanagement and epic suckitude under Wedge, who as it seems, was more interested in sucking on chili dogs and Kools during his tenure than bringing this ragged shitstain of a franchise close to something remotely resembling .500. I hope that helps.
  16. prole

    I've had it!

    And how's that different from what you're working with now?
  17. Get one of these shitty policies and you might as well get lawyer-insurance at the same time.
  18. Did you ever have to use it? How do you know you wouldn't be balls-deep in medical bills and fighting tooth and nail to get the coverage you thought you were paying for the whole time?
  19. [video:youtube]
  20. T-axed E-nough A-lready
  21. What the world needs now is another denialist.
  22. Doesn't quite have the same flair as "worst economic crisis since the Great Depression", does it?
  23. Did you ever stop to think that more Democrats and liberals would critique the President if it weren't for the fact that the alternative party is a batshit crazy, carnival freakshow they are scared to death to lose any ground to?
  24. The Government's War on Trans-Fats and Sodium are far more sinister and terrifying.
  25. Amazing how 'consumer freedom' has come to mean a company's right to part a fool from his money with impunity.
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