AlpineM, Water, Fair (recent posters) if you have the time, I would be interested in specific examples of areas, or cases, where this sort of progression has taken place. I'd love to read more about it. And to be clear, not the Wilderness Watch horror stories, which few of us would stand behind. I'm trying to think specifically about climbing ranger programs that have led to measurable barriers on access.
I'm not being snarky, either. Seriously. On this issue, I reside somewhere in between skeptical and naive. I feel I understand pretty clearly where the OPEN TO IT crowd comes from. That point-of-view comes naturally to me. But I have reservations, and I follow your logic. So, I'd be interested in specific examples, if any come to mind.
Sometimes CC is more fun to just spew on, but I don't think that's where you're coming from. So, if you can share some specifics, it's much appreciated.