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Everything posted by Cobra_Commander

  1. are you high? yogurt pretzels are awesome. but to call that substance yogurt is a stretch.
  2. whozzat, your latest flame? I find it unlikely he could withstand the onslaught of a robotic, castle-dwelling triceratops on the juice...
  3. isn't that like bolting a graham cracker?
  4. you guys are so goddamned amusing but it's all fun and games until someone (that being me) lets the rabid radio-controlled killer dinos out of the castle. rawr!
  5. Grand! The robotic cheney is fairly convincing if I do say so myself
  6. I wonder how that bunsen burner contract worked out for catbirdseat
  7. no one, and I mean no one, has better syncronized one-piece groomer skiing than WM.
  8. amateurs. the shaved chest and latex glove on 'destro' is disturbing
  9. did they have a dog helping people load chairlifts
  10. not exactly a destination crag
  11. why do you get just as many points for missing the 'coon?
  12. I was going to post that but I thought it was played out.
  13. Getting upset about someone skiing the helens crater is analogous to worrying about damage to a gravel pit. If you get hurt in there and require a rescue, however (not unlikely, really), the townsfolk may tar and feather you.
  14. You need a commercial license to even be in the same room as the shit I drive
  15. did Zudnick have a Jeep logo shaved on his butt
  16. come on, we need to stretch it out to 3 pages rockclimbing.com-style. What are the key features to look for in a rope tarp bag? What length of sling should I have on it? How will it affect my photography of top rope anchors for later analysis on the website? What is the perfect fabric color combo for photo composition? Will photos of the BD logo in the shot affect my patagonia pro status?
  17. I look like a baboon.
  18. Looks like they take good care protecting my damn driver's license: DL Database query Try entering your name and see for your yourself. So much for homeland security.
  19. wow I killed that one didn't I?
  20. ashamed or not, that'll be 25 cents/liter to cover grass depreciation.
  21. probably an accurate statement
  22. if you are looking for a bag to hold coils I recommend a diaper
  23. no way.
  24. There's possibly 100,000 posts represented in this photo:
  25. winner is you! happy fun
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