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Everything posted by Cobra_Commander

  1. Nice Asimov.
  2. wtf is up with this *DELETED* all-caps business??? I change a post and it's like a bomb squad is going to break down my door.
  3. May I end this sentence by maneuvering your colon?
  4. why put any work into it? perl -MBone::Easy -le 'print pickup()'
  5. good luck with that one
  6. they're called rap hangers for a reason. rap off them. and it's perfectly fine to tr with a biner clipped to an 8 if off-axis loading is prevented. but it's not that much more time just to tie in direct.
  7. open the toxin bubbles but sir, what about the innocent women and chil... OPEN THE TOXIN BUBBLES
  8. probably a chiropractor
  9. Fool! You don't even know what state it's in. Your guess is laughable!
  10. You can find bits of poison ivy east of the cascades in the desert canyons where there is a good amount of water in places. There are substantial patches of poison ivy in the upper gorge at smith. The area around Playing in Traffic seems to have its share for instance.
  11. yer mom. My ladies work hard for my money in the Cobra Escorts front operation. Like catbirdseat said, it's all about the money, hoes and clothes.
  12. replace "and thus dry slow" with "and are slow" and I wholeheartedly agree
  13. really the only safe option is to consult a licensed poison ivy and oak therapist
  14. kid's lucky the whole wall didn't pull over. He should have clipped in to one of the 4 yellow labs sleeping at the base of heinous
  15. chugging technu
  16. Here I edited out the copyright information for you so you can steal it fairly and squarely. PS that image sucks
  17. I bet there's only a 1 year residency at the Center for Poison Ivy Research in there as well. F'ing amateurs.
  18. a thorough geomag study of the locale will also reveal where gravity is at its lowest. only climb routes in this area.
  19. Silence heathen. Boring is a bustling metropolis of art and culture. Not that the lair is or is in (b/B)oring.
  20. nice pics no reason not to spice it up with a little rope drag
  21. With this setup you can get to and from the park in no time...that is if the groomer has combed a large enough swath of course... They should include it in the biathlon. He should have a gun in his hand and fire off a few rounds at some clay pigeons while in the pipe. multiple opportunities for charleton heston steeze
  22. I hope she actually went to see a doctor!!! Systemic histamine reactions and necrosis are serious business.
  23. The quarks are dynamite. I can't think of a situation where I would rather have aztars.
  24. OMFG and is that fucking johnny moseley on the front page???
  25. actually I think that's called a donkeypunch
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