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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Face down and ass up, that's the way I like to F$@%
  2. The change can happen overnight. It is simple. There is no cost involved. NONE.
  3. All fixed for ya! I know your little slip up was not intentional.
  4. kkk's poolboy/lover I thought FW was that.
  5. Nice pictures. Oysterfest? Why was I not notified? I love Oysters.......
  6. My son turned four this week. My daughter turned 2 last week. Wow.
  7. So FW. Do you think DADT is a good idea? Would you like to keep this policy? You miss my point entirely, which is this: you and other liberals who voted for Obama seem to be born-again pragmatists these days. What you have isn't really what was advertised, is it? Don't get me wrong, patience is just fine. But this is one of the key issues Obama ran on--and it was in the bag! A Done deal. A win. And the guy you pinned your hopes on tossed it out the window. And you still sing his praises like the willing dupes you are. As for the issue itself: I couldn't care less about what two people who love each other do in private. You did not answer the question. Is it ok, in your opinion if gays serve openly in the military? Yes or no. Second...I do not praise Obama. I am incredibley dissapointed in him.
  8. So FW. Do you think DADT is a good idea? Would you like to keep this policy?
  9. Ivan, is it possible for you to climb at Beacon and not spray about it? Just asking......
  10. Twisting the converstation again are we? I dont think the folks on the video want to ridicule Columbus. They just dont want a national Holiday. Get it?
  11. You sure twist the conversation around. Watch the video again. You will see that these people only want the truth to be told nothing else. They don’t want to have a national holiday honoring a person who committed atrocious acts of violence against indigenous people. That’s all. This has nothing to do whether he discovered America.
  12. How is it that he discovered America when there were thousands of Indians standing on the beach waving him in?
  13. You are full of shit. The video did not say we hate America. It is simply exposing CC for what he was.
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