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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone

    Big Wall

    Define big wall?
  2. Asked by Chris Wallace of Fox News about his insistence that “the federal government should stay out of people’s personal habits,” and his specific opposition to restrictions on cocaine, heroin, and prostitution, the candidate claimed that social conservatives would nonetheless vote for him “if they understand my defense of liberty is the defense of their right to practice their religion and say their prayers where they want to practice their life. But if you do not protect liberty across the board it’s the First Amendment-type issue… You know, it’s amazing that we want freedom to pick our future in a spiritual way but not when it comes to our personal habits.” Ron Paul
  3. Amazing you guys are spewing the same crap in different threads.....hahaha
  4. Do you ever spend time with your children? Just asking......
  5. Awesome pictures. 100,000 views...oh my!
  6. Any Portland climber not climbing in Aug.
  7. Thank you Tim for being the front man in terms of guide books for the Portland and surrounding areas. Your continued effort in communicating the art of climbing via the written word is much appreciated.
  8. WHAT? Say it an't so! Is this true?
  9. kevbone

    live music

    Hopefully I will some of your smiling faces tonight at Tommy O's.
  10. Your problem was thinking you could hold a rational, logical conversation with the mentally ill. :-) You voted for Bush and you are calling someone else mentally ill? LOL
  11. Is it possible to have a conversation on here without calling each other names? Just asking....
  12. Cant wait to have Beacon open. I am looking forward to opening day.....
  13. Where? Please show me this admission. Seriously.....he needed to be tried and found guilty in a court of law for anything to hold up. The fact that they shot him (if you believe that) is proof to me that he is just a means to an end. You need a bad guy to continue this crazy war spending......
  14. There is classified evidence ...
  15. So....has anyone come up with real evidence that Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11? Or are you just going to fling mud and hiss?
  16. You rock Buckaroo.....
  17. Because you need a bad guy to have a war.
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