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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. http://welcomehere.org/gathering_of_the_tribes/annual/ It is so close. Who is going? [video:youtube]
  2. kevbone

    Michele Bachman

  3. kevbone


    Does Tommy look high? http://inthearena.blogs.cnn.com/2011/06/23/shut-up-as-marijuana-debate-heats-up/
  4. kevbone

    live music

    Bump! Come on down to Tommy 0's in downtown Vancouver, WA. It is on the corner of 8th and Washington. I will be playing guitar in the lounge from 6-9 pm on Thursday. See you all there!
  5. I disagree with this. And as much as I disagree with Raindawg he is almost always kind and even keeled. I challenge anyone to find where he has attacked you by calling you names. This site absolutely needs folks like Raindawg. You always need the other side to be presented. IMO. I have had my draws taken from a climb I left them on. The only person to blame was myself for leaving them there. I would never post on this or any site requesting them back. It is no different than knowingly leaving them on the ground at the base of the climb then coming back a week later, then being pissed that someone took them. I have no problem with draws left hanging, just dont be pissed when someone else cleans them and takes them. The reality is you left them.
  6. 20 pages.....yeah!!!!!
  7. kevbone


    What is the most current update on access? Anyone?
  8. Serena have a disgusting ass? What planet are you on? She is amazing.
  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/22/emily-good-arrested-videotaping-police-rochester_n_882122.html?ref=fb&src=sp Wrong or right?
  10. Not done. Nobody bolted super slab. So all we did was change the title.
  11. basically all i've done here is point at the ridiculously misleading title you gave it and laugh. seriously, can someone please change the title? it will indefinitely mislead all who stumble across it for generations to come. or leave it as an educational tool: an example of yellow journalism at its finest. Nice topo/pic DonnV, that thing's spot on. Done
  12. kevbone

    Free health care

    In jail? A North Carolina man suffering from an undiagnosed growth on his chest and two ruptured disks walked into an RBC bank and handed a note to a teller demanding $1. He then sat by the door and waited for police to arrive.
  13. Cant wait to go climb it.
  14. kevbone

    why pres die

    I hear you Bill. I dont necessarily believe in it ether. I just want some of the posters here to pony up their opinion instead of just attacking what they dont agree with right off the bat.
  15. kevbone

    why pres die

    I think we have established that you cant believe everything off the interweb.....so....once again. What do you think? Who runs owns/runs the fed res? Are you to chicken to give a straight answer? Are you afraid someone on here my give you a jackass response like you do all the time? so.....???
  16. kevbone

    why pres die

    STFU, boner Such a simple easy answer. I guess you are nothing more than a guy on here who slams folks over and over again when they do not agree with you. You keep the tin foil hat thing going on but never give us your opinion other than a bunch of attacks. Come on man.....sack up and tell us what your thoughts are. I dare you! Que the STFU boner reply......3......2......1. Kooks like joblo can and will believe whatever nonsense they choose... and get laughed at accordingly. The anti-semitic Rotschild/Fed crap is refuted all over the internet, as are the claims of morons who refuse to vaccinate their kids. Please be more specific. If the Rothschild’s do not own or control the fed res then who does?
  17. kevbone

    why pres die

    STFU, boner Such a simple easy answer. I guess you are nothing more than a guy on here who slams folks over and over again when they do not agree with you. You keep the tin foil hat thing going on but never give us your opinion other than a bunch of attacks. Come on man.....sack up and tell us what your thoughts are. I dare you! Que the STFU boner reply......3......2......1.
  18. kevbone

    why pres die

    LOL, I'd leave it on for a bit man.....maybe double up on the thickness.....this shit might rub off joblo and get all over one of us....could go real bad. The chart was from 1976 and I wouldn't ever bet against Joseph. And it doesn't take much Googling to see that this set of myths around the Federal Reserve Bank is all over the place - as are myth-debunking sites that address this little gem. And yes there is little "anti-smiting" involved in the propagation of this myth but a lot of anti-semitism. who is to say your little myth debunking sites are not full of shit? Believe what you want.
  19. kevbone

    why pres die

    Ok, are your kids up to date on all their vaccines? Nice deflection JH. Now lets here your ideas on all of this. Instead of just telling joblo7 that he is full of it. What do you think? k I'm trying to ascertain whether you aare trolling or have the conviction of your doubts - so are their vaccinations up to date? Stay on topic please. And no I am not trolling.
  20. kevbone

    why pres die

    Ok, are your kids up to date on all their vaccines? Nice deflection JH. Now lets here your ideas on all of this. Instead of just telling joblo7 that he is full of it. What do you think? k
  21. kevbone

    why pres die

    I am interested in what everyone else thinks? joblo7 has stated some interesting ideas on this and that. Conspiracy theories? Maybe maybe not. Instead of throwing joblo under the bus….how about giving your opinion of what happened king, Kennedy and so on? Or are you too afraid someone will throw you under the bus. I find it hard to believe that some of you would actually bow down and except the official explanation for Kennedy? Oswald? Yeah right…… Lets hear it if you have the balls.
  22. kevbone

    why pres die

    With a bullet to the head.
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