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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. We already pay taxes. Fund the parks first. Shouldn't we fund the paving of the road to get to the park first?
  2. kevbone

    old school

    Ball busting...now that is old school
  3. kevbone

    old school

    Yeah...real rip. I am weeping over here.
  4. kevbone

    old school

    You would know.
  5. kevbone

    old school

    You sound like aid is bad?
  6. Holy shit....I had better get back on the spray kitten kabootal around here or KKK is going to pass me....noooooooo!!!!!
  7. I am just stoked a thread I started reached two pages.
  8. http://georgelakoff.com/2011/02/19/what-conservatives-really-want/ "Conservatives believe in individual responsibility alone, not social responsibility. They don’t think government should help its citizens."
  9. What state are you asking about? What part of the state?
  10. kevbone

    live music

    And again. See you there!
  11. More like 10,000......
  12. Awesome....who the hell is he?
  13. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhaZpo7hxQs
  14. bs. people slam on donald because he's a provocative self-righteous self-important uncompromising blathering hypocritical nincompoop who engages in the very same behaviour that he decries (worse behaviour actually, with his posts of developmentally disabled people). it's not that his ethics are entirely dated or irrelevant, it's that his delivery makes one wanna go bolt every friggin piece of rock one sees. I disagree. He is much like Joseph Healey, he sticks to his guns no matter what. I very much disagree with there guns, but I respect the fact that they stick to it like glue. One might think that if you think the other way then you are the self-righteous person too.....it goes both ways. All I am saying it the name calling is very childish.
  15. You all who are slamming on Raindawg simply because he disagrees with you should be ashamed of yourselves. You look like bullying school children. I dont necessarily agree with Raindawg....but I absolutely agree he should be able to say his opinion without personal attacks. After all ....it is a discussion right? Well, Raindawg has his ethics and apparently he will never back down from them. I respect that. I dont agree with his ethics....but I respect him for sticking to his guns. Moderators, what is the point of having everyone sign they understand the new rules of the site if you are not going to enforce them?
  16. Agreed. But is collecting booty/abandon gear/bale carabiners stealing?
  17. How many times as climbers have any one of you taken an abandon quick draw off the middle of a climb or at the anchor? I know I have......is that stealing? Or collecting booty?
  18. I hear you. But do you leave your backpack at the base of a climb for a year? I didnt think so. If you did...I would consider it abandon and clean it up.
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