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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Yeah...but if he did not ignore Jim then he would be ignoring other developers wishes....you win some and you loose some.
  2. LMAO! Thanks! I don't have it in me. Ah....but you do. You are only a couple a thousand posts back....lol
  3. I am not aware of any condition like the one you mention. But you are right about one thing. What is done is done. Take care!
  4. Why was it all up to Jim to include or not? Because in fact it wasn't.
  5. No no and no. I have found the entire climb to be hard. The first part over the arching rail is kind of burly and committing. Then all the moves up to where you reach out and grab the side pull cracks are not straight forward. Then of course comes the crux. Very hard climb.
  6. Not to me. I will never refer to it as the farside. It will always be Dropzone to me. Since that was the original name.
  7. Or how about telling others how to operate at a public crag?
  8. kevbone

    Nanny State

    Single-payer health care is the financing of health care from a single insurance pool, which in all existing and proposed cases are government run. Under a single-payer system, universal health care for an entire population is financed from a pool to which many parties--employees, employers, the state--have contributed. Single-payer is a market in which one buyer faces many sellers (monopsony). Single-payer health insurance collects all medical fees, and then pays for all services, through a "single" government (or government-related) source.[1] In wealthy nations, this kind of publicly managed insurance is typically extended to all citizens and legal residents. Examples include Australia's Medicare, Canada's Medicare, the United Kingdom's National Health Service, and Taiwan's National Health Insurance. Medicare in the United States is an example of a single-payer system for a specified, limited group of persons.
  9. Why not just change it to spray. Seriously it was fun to watch and read. As one poster stated......classic cc.com.
  10. JH....dont you think that withholding crag information is elitist? "its my crag dont touch it, and if you do here is how you should climb and act"......
  11. The elitist part is you telling others what to do or not to do.......
  12. How about just a "climb at your own risk" sign? That way you dont coming off sounding like an elitist. Because at the end of the day people are going to do what they want and are surely not going to not set up top ropes simply because of your online warning.
  13. shhhhhhh....its still a secret. hardly.... and wait until the new portland area climbs book comes out. It was a joke. The new book looks nice....there are some mistakes but that is to be expected.
  14. China is here to stay?
  15. Awesome. Funny thing is Jim told me to go climb Jamcrack the first time I went to Yos in 2005. Now he is climbing it again.....awesome!!!!
  16. kevbone


    What is the hardest part of eating vegetables? Getting them out of the wheel chair.
  17. kevbone


    Free speech or slander? The text reads, "This Would Have Been A Picture Of My 2-Month Old Baby If The Mother Had Decided To Not KILL Our Child!"
  18. I think this has been posted before.....it is worth watching again. The guide book calls this climb 5.12a. A couple of climbs to the right is a climb called Bloodline which the guide calls 5.12b. They should be reversed IMO. I have climbed bloodline several times without falling, but have never been able to even come close to getting Dracula, even on top rope. This is a proud send. [video:youtube]
  19. Where is Opus at? What wall?
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