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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. I heard the release date is early Feb.
  2. It can't be worse than VH3.... True. So far I like this song more than any song on that album.
  3. I am liking it the more I listen to it. I reserve total judgement until I hear the entire album.
  4. Link Blackwater was renamed in 2009 after becoming famous in the world with numerous reports of abuses in Iraq, including massacres of civilians. It remains the largest private contractor of the U.S. Department of State “security services,” that practices state terrorism by giving the government the opportunity to deny it.
  5. Lame video. I dont know what to think about the song yet.
  6. Not sure why it will not embedding correctly? Sorry.
  7. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Rob is on my list of people who I would like to meet and climb with so I am in. K
  8. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    A US citizen promotes the democratic way in America and you are complaining. Let us try and focus on what is important shall we. Lets, Kev. Did you know it is illegal for him to do that? Probably not. Can you think of why it would be illegal? Probably not. Think about these two questions and then get back with me Kev. Do think that is was and is illegal for our own government to wiretap it's own people? They are taking away your civil rights and you are spouting off about a solder who promoted a presidential candidate. One of these topics is REALLY important and other is not.
  9. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    A US citizen promotes the democratic way in America and you are complaining. Let us try and focus on what is important shall we.
  10. Did that yesterday! How un-American. :[]
  11. Awesome picture. My three year old ropes up every time we hit the gym so you are not far off.....
  12. kevbone

    RIP Phydeaux

    Sobo, so sorry to hear that. I know how it feels. We put our cat (Marcelo) down a couple of month ago. My wife has had him for 19 years and lived in 4 different states with him. We buried him in the back yard and planted plants over him.
  13. kevbone

    Very powerful.

    You've hit the nail on the head -- the only power he'll actually have as President is to reduce or eliminate enforcement of regulations. He won't actually have any power to do any of the "good" things, such as repeal the Patriot Act or the NDAA. So, a Paul administration would basically be all of the bad, and none of the good. Congress will gridlock as usual anytime anything effective tries to happen, and I suppose he'll be able to veto some things, but I don't want his veto at the expense of environmental, pharmaceutical and market enforcement. Not to mention many of the things he will veto will probably be things I don't want veto'd -- such as health care reform, social services, increased environmental regulations, etc. BS....the President has the power to move the troops to where ever he/she sees fit. He would bring them all home. Honestly his foreign policy is what really excites me about him. I dont like everything about him....but his stance on not being the worlds police I agree with. And on the federal reserve. And the president can veto crazy laws put forth by the crazy congress.....like the NDAA act. So you cant say the President has no real power.
  14. At some point? Been there....done that.
  15. kevbone

    Really now!???

    How can you say you are bristled at the loss of civil liberties then turn around and vote for Obama who just signed away all your right when he signed the NDAA law? Obama is just more of the same.
  16. Jon. When I up load a picture it does not load it into my bulk photos. Or where I can access it from my photo button when I "reply". I have not been able to figure out how to upload photos then post them into a reply as of late. Help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  17. kevbone

    Really now!???

    Ron Paul is the most pro-corporate candidate out there, is that a joke? Explain please.
  18. kevbone

    Really now!???

    I take it by your answer you are going to vote for Obama. Because the buck stops at his door. He is a tool of the establishment. He could have vetoed it.
  19. kevbone

    Really now!???

    Agreed. So which presidential candidate will you endorse? Obama? He just signed the NDAA into law. He is part of the problem. So which will it be?
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