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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Obama singed the NDAA act. He is part of the problem. How can you vote for someone who can put you away for life without cause or proof. THINK!!!!! How can YOU vote for bigots that wish to treat homosexuals like our country treated african americans in the 60's? THINK!!! Didn't anyone teach you it is not polite to answer a question with a question? I can show you proof that this NDAA bill can authorize the US military to come to your house and arrest you because they think you are a terrorist and seize all your assets and there is not a god damn thing you can do about it. So please show me where Ron Paul wants to treat Homo's like we treated African Americans in the 60. Dont show me what someone else wrote. Show me what HE HAS said.
  2. Obama singed the NDAA act. He is part of the problem. How can you vote for someone who can put you away for life without cause or proof. THINK!!!!!
  3. Not sure I saw any love in that....only the tough part.
  4. Bye bye Whitney Houston, who ruled as pop music's queen until her majestic voice was ravaged by drug use and her regal image was tarnished by erratic behavior and a tumultuous marriage to singer Bobby Brown, has died on the eve of the Grammy Awards she once reigned. She was 48.
  5. Thanks Sobo...I have been to Packwood a couple of times so know how to get there.
  6. Thanks everyone again for all the beta. I am sure no matter we will get some great climbing in. From Vancouver which way is quicker? North and over and east and then north through Yakima?
  7. That guy only put more distance between his daughter and him by doing that.
  8. Thanks for all the info everyone. Planning on spending 5 days in and around the Tieton area for first week in May. Anyone recommend any other climbs? I have never been to the area. Will the pass from Packwood to Yakima be open that time of year?
  9. ? I dont really have enough info here to answer your question. Can you add some detail to your question? Really? You are on a thread devoted to bird closures and I ask what about Smith Rock and you cannot derive from that what I am referring too. Come on brother..... Which climbing areas at Smith Rock are closed due to bird closures?
  10. kevbone


    Stay Frosty.
  11. This TR, obwan? Very good resource, that link. It's Joe Puryear's old site. RIP, Joe... Kev, If you haven't got it figgerd out by tomorrow, I'll post up detailed directions to get you to the stone and the free camping after work tomorrow night. I have to get up at 0-dark-30 these dayz, so I'm off to bed now, or I'd do it tonight. nice trip report and pictures. Yes I would love more information on where. We are thinking the first or second week in May. Do you think the weather would be good enough by then? Thanks a ton!
  12. kevbone


    Just got it. Have yet to listen to it......excited.
  13. Now for the big question. Is the climbing any good?
  14. kevbone


    you get the new album KKK?
  15. kevbone


    Good God.....2 pages already.
  16. Been there done that. I would like directions if you have them....and can you climb in May there? Is it still wet? thanks.
  17. Can someone please tell me how to find Goose Egg Mt? I know it is near Tieton. Cant seem to find directions online. Thanks! Also where is the good camping in the area. Is it climbable in early May?
  18. Do you think we would run into snow and ice in the end of May?
  19. What is the climbing season there? Does it get much rain in May? Anybody been there? Thanks.
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