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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Agreed 100%. Spending time with my two children is about as good as it gets. IMO.
  2. No.....will have to learn that one.
  3. http://nichewine.blogspot.com/ Hi everyone. If you are not doing anything this coming Sat night....come on down to Niche. It is a very nice wine bar in downtown Vancouver, WA. I will be playing live acoustic guitar starting at 7 pm ish..... I will also be selling my newly released CD for $10. Hope to see you all there. Kevin
  4. He's an extremist. No different than Rush Limbaugh or anyone far right that you would hate. He is VERY different that Rush Limbaugh. VERY different. Wanting to balance the budget.... hardly an extremist.
  5. He told me about it last night. He lead his "favorite" climb even though he had never climbed it. LOL..... Nice shot.
  6. Is that part of your personal reason for doing it bolt-less? I have my reasons. I really enjoyed climbing it this way. Way more exciting. I have not thought on that climb in a long time....but this way I had to think again. Super fun. The only bolt I can ever remotely justify is the crux bolt on the 4th pitch. Like you said Dave....its not that hard. But I thought it did take a different state of mind. Very fun. I recommend it. And I am in no way recommending the bolts be yanked or any of that crap.
  7. kevbone

    Real Question

    You mean like in Thailand after a massage?
  8. kevbone

    Real Question

    And you end the best.
  9. Still waiting for someone else to go out and climb YW's sans any bolts or pins.
  10. kevbone

    Real Question

    Insults from the patriot
  11. kevbone

    Real Question

    Kinda Apples and Mushrooms... One and the same my friend.
  12. Glad to hear that's what you came away with as I've been saying that for years. It's not for everyone, but anyone up to the challenge should really avail themselves of the chance to experience the 'naked' YW in all its considerable glory. We both talked about how after experiencing YW in this fashion we would not be able to clip any of the bolts or pitons again. It was more gratifying climbing in this fashion.
  13. kevbone

    MY CD

    How? I think someone used soundcloud? Or something like that. I will if I can figure out how.
  14. I would love to see your trip report on this. Wear your helmet.
  15. kevbone

    MY CD

    If anybody is interested in supporting a local musician (me) they can do so by buying my newly released CD called "Five & Three". It is $10. The album has 9 original tracks on it. I am playing all stringed instruments on the album. I convince my mother (amazing flute player) to play flute on a track as well. It is easy listening Spanish style guitar playing with a bluesy feel to it. Feel free to pm me if you are interested. Thanks! Kevin
  16. I just put my ipod on random and let fly.
  17. kevbone

    Real Question

    You are a retard. Please be more specific. Have you figure out yet how your kids have become 6 and 4 years old? Nope have not figured that out yet.
  18. kevbone

    Real Question

    Laying off teacher after teacher while the we continue to invade countries and spend 2 billion a week is not a idiotic assertion that there is never enough money for education. I could care less about how much we spend on education per student. That point is pointless.
  19. kevbone

    Real Question

    You are a retard. Please be more specific.
  20. kevbone

    Real Question

    There always is enough money to spend on occupying other countries....especially ones that did not attack us. It goes on for years and years and years. Spending billions every week. Yet our schools are underfunded year after year. Makes no sense.
  21. I know Joseph has done this (or at least he says he has), but has anyone else done this?
  22. Arent and I did a complete boltess, pitonless accent of Young Warriors last night. We did not clip or use any bolts for anchors either. This is the way this route should be climbed. It goes on gear the entire way. It is a little spicy in some parts. Its a tad run in a couple of parts but its all there. Totally rad!
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