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Everything posted by underworld

  1. Do your own sample asking women which they prefer and you'll be pissed about the snip too. not enough left over?
  2. "it's a jeep thing, you wouldn't understand" "cowboy up" "harley davidson" " [anything seahawks] " " [bumperstickers in general are redneck] "
  3. it hasn't been voted off yet
  4. what's worse, those that talk about survivor... or those that spray about those that talk about survivor
  5. who's leg do you have to hump to get that code?
  6. got the usual ticketmaster spam this morning....but actually read it and Ben Folds is coming back to town
  7. ha... mounting invasions. ... i get it
  8. margaritas at la carta, shiner at the tractor... spraying in la casa
  9. don't they already do that.... suicide bomber also blows himself up
  10. still have 'em.. i saw someone in a magazine climbing with these shoes... you will be in a magazine if you climb with these shoes...
  11. spoony spoony alpine style
  12. but he DID say 'mounting invasions'
  13. you said 'mounting invasions'
  14. underworld


    thong thu thu thu thong
  15. the support the troops lady: wasn't arrested the "this many dead" lady: charges were dropped both got some spotlight...both got what they wanted. story book ending
  16. remeber that the next time you see shorts over poly-pro... and yes we need some sort of standards and/or respect... i'm not going to a wedding or a nice dinner in a t-shirt.
  17. both ladies were out of place.
  18. WMD's better practice your shelter-in-place drills.
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