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Everything posted by underworld

  1. hyper-active = excuse (it's not my fault..it's their condition)
  2. I share your disdain for the politically correct hyper-protective and overbearing yet spoiling parenting styles and educational methods we have come to accept as standard. hell just froze over
  3. but but but he's buying carbon offsets. what a saint! carbon offsets: live as a zero instead of making a difference
  4. in the 'making' or 'disciplining' arena?
  5. IMO: it seems to be a selfish psychological drive to have kids in the first place. But hey, that's just me. i'm a new uncle in the past few years. watching my sisters take care of the little ones has really opened my eyes ...i've come to notice that it is the least selfish thing there is
  6. the kids getting sent to iraq chose to be in the military. if the admin's kids chose to be in the military, they'd be sent over just like anyone else. (enter "only the poor and stupid join the military" arguments) you are trying to compare kids to money - not the same thing...give the military some credit!
  7. Wow, a whole subculture. Too much information. In one week the underworlds of dogfighting and toe-tapping have been added to the public discussion. What a great thing our 24-hours news media is! leave me out of it!!
  8. the most scenic outhouse is the scenic outhouse having the most funk
  9. the price marked on each tool: 149.83 price i paid for the pair: 149.83
  10. reactions when politics come up w/ a liberal: - "whoa, you don't really believe that" - "WHAT? you just don't understand things" - "Dont tell me you're one of them" - "how can you POSSIBLY side with them" real condusive to conversation. if you ask me, liberals are far less willing to talk politics. VERY eager to teach politics...very unwilling to discuss them (w/ some exceptions, of course)
  11. the summit is only the half-way point ...IF you know what i mean
  12. step 2: put your junk in that bucket
  13. got a pair of BD fusions for $150 (total) this morning... half off lowest price, baby!! :rawk: (yes, i waited at the door for them to open cuz i scoped them out yesterday )
  14. generalizationing!! speculationing!! echoing!! boring!!
  15. so for consistancy sake - do you wanna let vick go or keep the gitmos locked up??
  16. guilty w/o a trial.... are we this quick to judge on other cases....
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