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Everything posted by Dirtyleaf

  1. Banks Lake would be awesome.
  2. Would like some enchantment ice. SOmething up there to do. Get some fresh air. Spend some time away. Never done the Triple Couloirs. whatever. if drury falls is in. Got a week to think about it. let me know.
  3. I have your tool. I'll be in Redmond for a week. Give me a call when you want to come and get it. 206 795 8219 -Geoff
  4. Should I take the bait, and go on a blind date? It never stops.
  5. Cow-itchee
  6. That's a load of crap. Cowiche already been explored and tested by moi. "Crap." That's the best word to describe it. It looks promising until you get up close and actually try climbing some of that dirty shit. I'm definitely not cool enough to find any local yakima climbers for tieton.
  7. Winterize the Yak. 4 months and counting down,(I've limited myself to the amount of time I'm allowed to live in yak.) Leavenworth or bust!
  8. Dreams are for dancers Pete. Come join the rest of us in reality. And if you ever feel shit out of luck, you can always move to yakima.
  9. Tieton Sunday. Let's Go.
  10. I might go climbing this weekend. If I feel like quitting the polo team. Polo, or climbing? I must think this over a cup of tea and biscuits.
  11. True and true. What you don't know is that I have a private helicopter waiting on my every beck and call to take me wherever I wish. That's what you get when you're rich bich!
  12. "walking?" sounds stupid.
  13. If the weather holds would like to get out to tieton this weekend. Saturday looks like a good bet. .10- to .10+. whatever. Fri and sat.
  14. That white stuff on my face is spirit love from Ron Kauk, he sent my way on a hawk. I was at one with said hawk. Which is why he gave some of Ron Kauk's spirit love. And, you can find the equestrian pants in the geriatric women's section at your local St. Vincent De Paul. Cheap.
  15. It was great climbin' with ya John! Cool Pics!
  16. I can't believe that guys wearing equestrian pants. They're probably made for women anyway.
  17. I'm thinking of a memorial plaque for Assguards victims, right next to the lake. I like the sideways shot of Assguard. It shows its depth and texture really well. The plaque could read something like; "You could've rapped it, but you just HAD to walk."
  18. Wildcat wall fer sure.
  19. I can be in the Tieton canyon around 1pm M-Th and 10am on Fridays. Lets hook up and Tie it on! (Bad pun, lame joke, great climbing to be had this season still!) Have full rak. Let's use your rope eh? Shoot me a pm. Send me an email: Dirtyleaf@hotmail.com Or give me a call: 206 795 8219 -Geoff
  20. I'll second the early/late climbable status of Prusik. Climbed SF in May this year and it was completely dry/snow free.
  21. Clipping bolts is fer losers.
  22. http://www.backcountry.com/outdoorgear/DMM-Alloy-Offsets/DMM0024M.html Shit, buy some new ones.
  23. http://www.dmmclimbing.com/productsDetails.asp?pid=5&pid2=181
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