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Everything posted by Kimmo

  1. it's as american as apple pie.
  2. This democratic revolution proves Bush Jr.'s prescience. Who woulda thunk?
  3. Come on, is that the best bait you have to use? the edit of your original babbling post made my riposte a bit less toothy.
  4. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    symptomatic of what?
  5. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    JayB is a rational humanoid who has come to understand that his previous support for the iraqi attrocity was a mistake.
  6. paul lawson saddens me. i would have left it at "they have travelled without travelling too far. just far enough to see where they went and to see it was forever."
  7. ok so that is funny.
  8. umm, how's the hunt for a spouse coming along?
  9. maybe kenny shouldn't be climbing? i have a friend who found himself to have a multiple ankle fracture on karate crack at smith. i thought it was a new route? being intimately familiar with beacon, i must say that you make no sense.
  10. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    i don't think he ever said this, to be fair. i believe JayB is against violence of any kind. and, to be fair again, violence i presume is a bit of an abstract for most people posting here.
  11. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    i'm a little puzzled as to what you are driving at: the attrocities you mention above are abominable, and i don't think anyone here is stating otherwise. What's your point? What are your suggestions?
  12. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    a new wall of hadrian, i believe your prescription was. your comment was probably a little bit tongue-in-cheek, but it was the only answer you came up with when asked what you thought the "solution" to the problem was (forgive me, i have a photographic memory!). have i ever said there is "no connection" between islamist thought and "suicide" bombers? certainly there seems to be; i simply cannot fathom how one could develop a rational viewpoint that emphasizes this aspect over what i believe to be the much stronger role of economic inequality, lack of political participation, foreign bombs killing your family etc etc. if you had a foreign occupier's tanks sitting outside your house year after year, propping up a political system that protects a select few who have no accountability to you or your countrymen, all the while keeping your country's resources for their benefit only, you might consider any methods available as a way to fight back. maybe? agreed. although i suppose this might be more a reflection of the polarization of the argument. yes i did. hope you enjoyed reading scheurer.
  13. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    i also recall that one point your proposed solution to this problem was to build a wall around the region.
  14. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    It does trouble me that the above displays your level of commitment to any semblance of true understanding regarding suicide bombings. you truly give the impression that you have completely and unequivocally decided that islam is the absolute source of the problem, and this myopia allows you not even to entertain other notions. am i correct with this assertion? Michael Scheuer was a CIA analyst who led the hunt for bin laden; he might be interesting reading for you.
  15. The Ergo worked well for us. Really comfortable. Only drawback is that the baby should only be facing the parent. If there are other carriers that have good support with a hip belt and allow the baby to face forwards, then I would definitely look at those. And then comes stroller decision: get the BOB! If you want one stroller that does everything from grocery shopping to hiking on trails (really!) to jogging, this one is it. (Make sure you get the lockable front wheel version, not the pro jogger, if all of the above are your intentions....)
  16. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    which countries are you thinking of?
  17. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    i am a big supporter of your new-found career as performance artist. it might lead to a rather short life, but i can't think of any down-side....
  18. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    which countries come to mind, and how was the transition instituted?
  19. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    Here's another word: Ramadan. It might be enough of a reason for you to convert.
  20. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    didn't need FOX Ruse for this one; wikipedia does a pretty good job of corroborating other books i've read about the Muslim Brohood. It's called Sharia. No Dancing, for example. maybe you have some authoritative sourcing for how they might really be a secular moderate voice if given power? i'd like to read it if you do.... maybe they plan on starting a Muslim Sisterhood to share power with.
  21. no, he's saying the opposite. but he doesn't like them. silly rob. and nitrox kinda nails it.
  22. and one more. [video:youtube]
  23. plus he wears a bucket on his head so you can't see him do the metal grimace face. [video:youtube]
  24. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    i'd say the fact that the muslim brotherhood garnered as much support as they did is quite meaningful. they were an outlaw party during the elections, facing monumental challenges from the government, with widespread fraud, yet they still managed to have a sizable contingency elected. in an entirely "open" election process (with massively moneyed western-backed candidates in opposition!), how would they do? i have no idea, but i wouldn't bet against them (in a 90% muslim country). and having the muslim brotherhood in power should be a concern to anyone who cares about human rights, women's rights, democracy, and other such core values. the taliban were not a very pretty group of individuals.
  25. Kimmo

    Fux Freakout

    although this entire speculation is silly at best, a bunch of americans who have no direct experience with the region....
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