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Everything posted by dukiebird

  1. Wayne, where's Bandon? In town? State Park? Qué?
  2. Hey ya'll, Its been a while, I is been busy. I'm hoping to tap the knowlege accumulated by lots of hard work by others, without making my lazy ass waste time doing the hard work... That said, I am heading down the Oregon Coast, as far south as Redwoods NP in North Cali, and I don't know any climbing stuff on the coast down there. We're not bringing sport gear, so bouldering spots are the only thing we'll be able to hit. Masternate already suggested Humbolt boulders, but I don't know how far south that is, time constraints mean we really can't go too far into Cali. If anyone has some good locales, esp. in Oregon, I'd love to hear 'em. In the meantime, I'm gonna figure out where else I'm going to go down there, and try to completely undo all of my studying for finals
  3. I dunno, most of us Birders are pretty liberal... Unless it's all a front, Catbird?
  4. Michael Moore is not what anyone would call an unbaised reporter, but he has good points, occasionally. Fog of War is a much more objective look at (kinda) the same thing.
  5. BTW, ultimate 5yo-bashing music is either a toss up between Ramstien's Du Hast, or anything by Celine Dion. That would put me into an unimaginable 5yo-killing frenzy. I'd go through quite a few toddlers if I was listening to anything that awful. Anything by Macy Gray would just make me lay down and allow the 5yo's to put me out of my misery.
  6. Are we talking male or female? Females are more passive and show some signs of mercy, male 5yo's are ruthless, destructive, pain-causing animals that can't be silenced by anything less than a computer game and a tall, frosty glass of rhino tranquilizer. I'd say it would take at least twenty girls to take me down, I could keep them at bay with taunts about them liking a boy and by telling them that they'll never be as pretty as Brittney Spears, while they're all crying, I could make a gettaway. Against 5yo boys, I think one 5yo fresh out of nap time would be a fair fight, I could probably take out at least five before I was ripped to pieces if it was pre-nap. They have an advantage, though, I can't retaliate to their kicks and jabs to the nuts, cause theirs haven't dropped yet, I'd have to aim for the abdomen...
  7. Long live PBR!! May it's cheap prices and coma-inducing contents serve as a bright, amber-colored, ambrosia-flavored beacon for broke college kids and white trash alike for years to come. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/22/magazine/22PABST.html?ex=1091764800&en=5694bdab912c2b4e&ei=5070
  8. Am I a bad liberal greener if I say that Nader pisses me off? He never gets anything done, just distracts folks from a stronger canidate who actually has a chance. Oh, and Paris Hilton's fuckin' FINE, I make it a point not to read any articles about her, just look at the photos and enjoy some quiet time with my steady girl, Palmela Handerson...
  9. Didn't notice a difference between brand-X and Metolius super chalk. The twerpy nerds that are gettin me all lerned up would say that MgCO3 is the same thing as "super" MgCO3. Go steal the multi-colored chalk bucket from the two-year old down the street, it'll be cheaper and easier than buying it, and you'll be the envy of everone on the rock with your pastel pink, yellow and blue hands...
  10. What tough questions, and who is asking them? I'm not trying to stir shit up, I simply don't know, and would like to find out which R congresspeople you're talking about. Just curious
  11. I got the Clap, herpes, syphillis (sp?), the Ebola virus, and AIDS, you should really tell your grandmother to see a doctor, boss. I'll be fine by Monday.
  12. Good call, Klenke. I've never thought that logging (or cattle raising, for that matter) in national forests should be allowed, there are private lands set aside for that purpose, not national forests. Fairweather, you're actually right, to me, the fact that you buy a pass means that you have the right to bitch, just make sure you bitch to the right people to get things changed. People pay more attention if you are someone that has paid them, and is willing to take it away. And before RobBob comes out to jump up my ass, Weyerhauser had nothing to do with that particular sale (note: not a blanket excuse for logging practices of Weyer or any other Co.)
  13. You should go through an outfit called River Recreation next summer, ask Deanna or Jen to guide you, I'm told there pretty fun gals. Whadda you think, Distel?
  14. Only in my dreams
  15. If they had made me sing this version in elementary school music class, life would've been a lot better. http://jibjab.com/<http://jibjab.com/> Enjoy...
  16. Wade in Ice Water up to your waist. You'll be pretty comfortable on average. Drunken coma is a good possibility, too.
  17. Sorry Bronco, it's nothin personal, you're just not the girl for me.
  18. I don't date chicks with bigger wangs than me.
  19. Nah, all the "healthy" skinny people are just gonna die off in about 5 years, so only the smart people who actually eat to get, um, that nutrition thingy and excercise will be left. Nature works in mysterious ways
  20. I want you mom to get a boob job. It'd give me something to hold on to...
  21. In Canada: Save a tree: eat beaver Out 'n' aboot here in the US: My other car is also a piece of shit. I'm Out of Estrogen And I Have a Gun. (I gave her lots of space) Don't piss me off! I'm running out of places to hide the bodies. I may be slow but I'm ahead of you! (on an old person's RV) The most fucked-up thing I have ever read on anything on a road: So Many Babies, So Few Recipes. (on a minivan, WTF?!? )
  22. There are girls that flyfish!?!? You are the coolest women alive!! It is a sport, that, while cool, is undoubtedly dominated by weiner. Anywho, I digress. Fly rods are lighter, spinning rods are easier to fish for less-than-Lee-Wulff types, but catching a trout on the fly is more fun. Easy too, with those wacky alpine lakes, just throw somthin bushy that floats out there on the water, the trout will destroy it. If you're lookin for food, though, in line spinners (i.e. roostertails) are the best way to catch a lot, and fast. I usually cut off two of the three hooks that are usually on the spinners out of the box, cause you pretty much HAVE to keep anything that bites a treble, horrible wounds. I always release natives (cutthroat), but pretty much if you catch rainbows or brook trout, you're doing the lake's critters a favor by keeping them. Where exactly are you going? I might be able to point you in a good direction. You gotta let us know how you do, I'm always on the lookout for a new alpine lake with good fitchen'. Word up to the Fly Casters, you are all gods amoung men (and women)...
  23. Goin to San Juan, most likely. Might take a boat ride to Orcas or Lopez, but I think San Juan. American Camp has come up a couple of times, I'll have to check that out for sure. Thanks for the help, ketch, rob, billy. Ya'll
  24. Hey yall. Found a great way to hone your skills in the off season, or just to fart around and waste your boss's money at work. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~van/sssjava/javademo.html Enjoy...
  25. Good stuff.
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