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Everything posted by jmace

  1. jmace

    Caption this...

    Hey whats this hangin from your neck, looks like laura's hood, loose and abused
  2. ou of all the paces you can drag a tire he chooses the most busiest place around. Hey notice me, me, me, me, why not just color your hair poke some holes in your face and say stop looking at me this is who I am. Fuckin Weirdos, what we need is some Gene Police so someone could come along and say there is now way your are procreating, blamo your out
  3. sounds about right, for the pressure, there should be a scale for those colors on the site you took it from sort of like what I posted above about 70%... you see so if blue is a low amt of moisture but we get a trigger like a trough or a mountain range then possibly we can tap into that moisture aloft and squeeze out a shower. sounds like you know how skew T works so its like plotting somethnig like that when you know the dew pt or moisture forecast content...
  4. jmace

    Caption this...

    "Come on boys lets run a train in this bird, wooo daddy!!"
  5. yes on the std atmosphere, as we see low pressure or high pressure move in we see the elevations varie, but +/- 100m should be too much of a problem and if it is then you just look and see how much the pressure has dropped or will drop as the storm comes in and re-adjust accordingly, but the forecast meteogram is nice since you can see where the computer model beleives moisture will be and how it may affect you by looking at the upper winds.
  6. 1000 = 100 m, 300 ft 900 = 1000 m, 3300 ft 850 = 1500m, 5000 ft 750 = 2500m 8000 ft STD Atmosphere The colors more than likely refer to Relative Humidity, I.E Cloud or Rain, Dashed line is probably another temp contour probably -5 Pretty sure if there is no color then there is no FORECASTED cloud. The meteogram looks good, possible convective clouds in the afternoon today then nice tomorow with a rather decent storm moving in lat sat night/sun morn
  7. Matt P has it, really why do you need a middle marker. I never understand why people want this so much
  8. how do you get laid like that, havent you ever seen shallow Hal?? Toes are important
  9. thats disgusting, you guys should be nicer to your feet
  10. thats how it all starts, keep it clean and watch out for necrotizing fasciitis, could lose your leg
  11. jmace

    Insert Caption

    This is Definitely not making me tighter Archenemy you cant reuse something you already said, are you running out of sick things to say, amateur!!
  12. jmace

    Modern Lovers

    Dechristo wins the super sick fucker award, congrats
  13. jmace


    Just layin it out, Ouch, anything else besides looser?
  14. jmace

    Insert Caption

    Just hit me with ONE more line, come on, Do I look high ?, just one more, pleeeeasse!!
  15. jmace

    Insert Caption

    but then you have te possibilty of runnng into this
  16. jmace

    Insert Caption

    Fuck dating, I got my own tits right here.
  17. I got em all right, I suppose thats a product of living in the west end for the last 5 years, I know how to spot em and run
  18. she is one strange lookin animal
  19. Thanks for looking out for me goddess, I misunderstood your motherly love for a direct spray attack. Maybe I will see you there, in the mean time I will scope the weather
  20. jmace

    Modern Lovers

    I keep home home phone unlisted, i dont upload nutin, and I pay cash for my shite
  21. jmace

    Modern Lovers

    If some broad said she checked me out on the internet I would promptly walk out, weirdo, she probably online dates: translates to I have no life skills
  22. maybe you shoud bone up on your reading comprehension
  23. Fern I may head out there if the wx holds up, looks like it will, I will post here tomorrow if you check or call me at home or work if you want. Welcome home
  24. jmace

    Modern Lovers

    Whar Archenemy said
  25. I have never been and with squamish weekend forecast looking crappy I was wondering if this might be a place to go, is it usually dy there, and what is the best city fore ast to look at I looked at wenatchee and skyomish, and it looks like a decent or reasonble forecast. Any input would be appreciated, cheers
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