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Everything posted by kix

  1. chase that beer with some hydrocodone ftw!
  2. kix


    overkill if you are wearing a Life is Good shirt today.
  3. just move along. these arent the roofs you are looking for.
  4. if a large percentage of the population is brown skinned, its not profiling. its more like probability based on statistical fact.
  5. we're gonna deport rope climbers next.
  6. kix


    hi luke.
  7. kix

    That Chris Sharma...

    hardly news
  8. I hit reply just now thinking I might mention the things I miss only to realize I couldnt think of anything. well except for fresh oysters
  9. no shit, its amazing how irrelevant the gym and online forums become when its beautiful outside everyday.
  10. for me. not for you. heh.
  11. 95% healed. multi pitch free solo, so what. its not like its steep. priest draw roofs 4 life.
  12. 5.11 is like v1 pfff
  13. walking boot = chiropractor payday. besides, I'm not quite ready to weight it yet.
  14. injury is worse than initially thought. 12 weeks down, not 6. this boot is kryptonite making me weaker by the day. kill.
  15. .....and did I not just offer everyone a prime new I-90 bouldering location several posts back? wtf.
  16. never put up a route in my life.
  17. the what?
  18. and no boulderer with any pride would go to exit 38
  19. walk 2 miles north on the pacific crest trail. large boulder field begins at the boundary sign for the alpine lakes wilderness. we developed a handful of good problems there last summer on the down slope side of the trail. Right now is PRIME TIME for this area. very easy almost flat hike. all problems FA by KIX and Peck. black forest is a myth.
  20. the state of rage
  21. kix

    Who is this guy?

    nothing is funny.
  22. sedona
  23. I thought it was just another in a long line of contemptuous, taunting posts. but whatever.
  24. I am moving away in 1 month. In the next few days I will post detailed directions for all to the Black Forest. Myself and another boulderer known only as PECK have been the primary developers for the past 2 and a half years. PECK is already gone. I am one foot out the door (all I have left) The Black Forest is our gift to Seattle boulderers. I broke my ankle on Saturday, so I will not be offering any more tours. (broke it at another secret area on SI with GREAT rock, but no paths and very dangerous terrain). get out and explore pussies. there is other rock beside the choss crap found at little si and x38 in the I90 corridor. much better rock. seriously, most seattle area boulderers are sheep looking to herd at known areas. baaaaaa. hopefully you herds will help keep the moss at bay. there is lots of great rock closer than goldbar and 11worth for those who are motivated. There is even VERY GOOD rock on Tiger, not conglomerate choss (of which there is plenty), if you know where to look. stay tuned. Terry p.s. I may change my mind. sukit.
  25. I find bellevue to be very diverse (much more than 10 years ago at least) and I eat authentic tacos just as good as anywhere else. and I also hold that PNW waves generally suck no matter what, or are at the least not worth all the effort to catch them good on the one day that all the fickle elements cooperate at a given spot. any real surfer that finds themself living up here for one reason or another gets on a plane to go surfing. who cares who bobs in the water at westport or la push? I live here and avoid bellevue square for all the same reasons that one avoids the mall in any suburban area. that said, I am moving to Sedona.
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