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Everything posted by Martlet

  1. The seldom elusive and often laughed at liberal moonbat rears it's ugly head.
  2. Yeah, any of you guys with vacations planned for war zones, make sure you get them cancelled.
  3. You're a disrespectful idiot.
  4. So how do you propose to put a stop to that? Essentially you've proven my point. His proposal is just more whitewashing. It won't work, as has been shown.
  5. Martlet

    insert caption here

    Right Here
  6. Martlet

    insert caption here

    Like I said, that's a decent photoshop job.
  7. Martlet

    insert caption here

    yeah, only the Bush one was photoshopped.
  8. What would you suggest, I'll ask for the third time?
  9. Why do you moonbats always talk about naked men and penises?
  10. Martlet

    insert caption here

  11. Hey minxie, you forgot to hit the <shift> key.
  12. That was my question Nope I disagree. We waited 12 years. With people that make the decisions profitting from UN sanctions and extending the waiting, do you think the UN would have EVER ok'd it? Preparing a game plan for possible threats is military leadership 101. Preparing a scenario doesn't necessarily imply intent to invade. Even following your argument and assuming it does, we just ran out of time. Terrorism was always "something to look out for" not "oh shit it's here". Once the game changed, things began moving quicker. I think we hae been.
  13. I'm sure that disappoints you. See, they have dorky groups for guys like you. You aren't left friendless.
  14. everybody can read and see that this is exactly what you have been doing castro is still in power for the same reason that saddam remained in power during the sanction years. they were able to consolidate their grip during sanction/embargo years because lack of goods allowed them to control who got what. instead of pushing these countries to be open to outside influence via business, travel, media and whatnot, and eventually develop democratic constituencies, we gave them further opportunity to crack down on all forms of opposition. cuba makes all of this abundantly clear. So how do you have free trade with a country and not support it?
  15. One like Kerry applied for, but was turned down?
  16. Still not seeing anything about 3 OUIs.
  17. That's old news. Everyone has seen that. I'll concede that OUI without seeing an arrest record. However, he specifically stated it was Bush's 3rd OUI, and he lost his license for two years. I'm calling bullshit. Show me.
  18. Stop beating yourself up over it. It's ok. Join the Elks or something, they may take dorks.
  19. Let's answer one question at a time. You can't just dodge the ones you don't like. He specifically said if we don't support dictators or terrorists, they won't stay in power. Castro is still in power as far as I know. What happened to his logic?
  20. I'm just countering your argument. You don't have anyplace to go with that?
  21. Like Castro?
  22. Stop feeling so bad, seriously. Lots of dorks don't get invited. If you like women so much, why do you keep talking about getting naked with men?
  23. most of the casualties occurred during the inital drive over a 3 week period so i don't think that ~40000 people (military + civilians) is low. your trying to argue that "after all we only killed 40000" just shows the moral bankruptcy of your position. So you think it would have been better to leave Saddam in power and allow far more people to die?
  24. So you had to go other places to get naked with men? Don't feel bad, lots of freaks don't get accepted to Fraternities, you aren't alone.
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