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Everything posted by Martlet

  1. Martlet

    I like Martlet:

    I was a little grumpy that day.
  2. [link]http://www.askmen.com/fashion/how_to/5_how_to.html[/link]
  3. For someone that says you're ignoring me, you talk about me an awful lot.
  4. Martlet

    I like Martlet:

  5. Martlet

    Day By Day

  6. Martlet

    Day By Day

    In your first quote you said "was" which is past tense. Since there was only one post prior to it, and it was by me, then that totally blows any insinuation that you had expected me to counter your challenge, since a) I wasn't responding to anything you'd said, and b) hence there was no challenge issued. Unless you meant "Or maybe Martlet will be crafty enough to find a Kerry quote to whip outta the hat?", which would bring us back to your English.
  7. Martlet

    Day By Day

    Actually, that isn't what you said. Unless, of course, English is a second language for you? If so, get your money back.
  8. Martlet

    Day By Day

    Did your mom finally explain it to you? Tell her thanks for me.
  9. Martlet

    Day By Day

    I used to be resourceful when I first started posting here, but I've since learned that 90% of the other posters can't understand what you're saying if it isn't in pop up book format. As I said, have your little sister translate for you.
  10. Martlet

    Day By Day

    I'm combative? You must not have understood his post. Have someone read it to you. I'm the "source man"?
  11. Martlet= Ronald Regan= Joe Retard
  12. Martlet

    Day By Day

    No, I was smart enough to post a cartoon someone else wrote. You weren't crafty enough to realize it obviously. Yes, when I'm not laughing at the moonbats here, I'm a cartoonist. /sarcasm.
  13. Martlet

    Day By Day

    Day By Day
  14. I must have missed something.
  15. I am awake.
  16. Same here.
  17. But you love me!
  18. I think it's my sparkling personality.
  19. Don't be bitter. Not everyone gets accepted. It's ok. There's always the math club. Does this mean you don't want to go bouldering anymore?
  20. Apparently it matters to some. Lord knows why.
  21. You're a cat lady. Doesn't count.
  22. That's what I said! I'm a swell guy!
  23. Don't be bitter just because you weren't accepted.
  24. Who said I'm tough? I'm too old for the draft, anyway.
  25. Good, maybe now he'll stop asking me out.
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