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Everything posted by Martlet

  1. Martlet


    That's good, here's another! 20 Ways to Tell You're a Democrat: 1) You believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of funding. 2) You have to be against capital punishment but for abortion on demand - In short: you support protecting the guilty and killing the innocent. 3) You have to believe that the same overpaid public school idiot who can't teach 4th graders how to read is qualified to teach those same kids about sex. 4) You have to believe that trial lawyers are selfless heroes and doctors are overpaid. 5) You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than nuclear weapons in the hands of the Koreans. 6) You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical, documented changes in the brilliance of the Sun, and more affected by yuppies driving SUVs. 7) You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being gay is natural. 8) You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity. 9) You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature but pasty-faced activists who've never been outside Seattle do. 10) You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it. 11) You have to believe there was no art before federal funding. 12) You have to believe the military, not corrupt politicians, start wars. 13) You have to believe the free market that gives us 500+ channels can't deliver the programming quality PBS does. 14) You have to believe the NRA is bad, because it stands up for certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good, because they stand up for certain parts of the Constitution. 15) You have to believe that taxes are too low but ATM fees are too high. 16) You have to believe that Harriet Tubman, Cesar Chavez and Gloria Steinman are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, General Robert E. Lee or Thomas Alva Edison. 17) You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides aren't. 18) You have to believe that second-hand smoke is more dangerous than HIV. 19) You have to believe that conservatives are racists but black people couldn't make it without your help. 20) You have to believe that the only reason democratic socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.
  2. HA! "I'm ignoring you" but "I've read what you said and you're gonna get banned".. LOL. The moonbats grow dumb in the northwest, I see.
  3. Martlet


    New blood! I need NEW MOONBATS to catch!
  4. Martlet


    C'mon, give me a new one! Three retards down, I want FOUR!
  5. Martlet


    WHAT? SPEAKUP! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! YES! How many retards can I catch? 3 down, the whole moonbat mecca to go!
  6. Squid won't stop PMing me, so I told him I'd post his home page (which he PM'd me) if he didn't cease. He asked for it! Squid.com Let this be a lesson to the rest of you sending me unwanted PMs
  7. Martlet


    Wait! I feel another one coming on.......HAHAHAHAHA! C'mon! Show me again how easily amused you are!
  8. Martlet


    Do it, ChucK! You know he's got nothing to say, you're not missing anything. After ignoring ***Martlet*** for only 5 minutes, I feel my SPRAY EXPERIENCE has regained its nodderlike joy. oooh, but wait. ***Martlet*** is not ignoring me!! SUCKA!!!!!!!! Stop PMing me, or I'll start posting them. I don't think you'd want that.
  9. Martlet


    Cracked is saying he did, but he's a closet liberal. They're all talk.
  10. Ahhh yes, now there were some REAL terrorists....phew. They don't get much tougher than that. So appeasement was working? That's odd. I wonder why they flew those jets into our buildings? Must have just been bad piloting, no?
  11. Martlet


    It's funny knowing that you idiots are all talking about it, but not one single person has actually done it yet.
  12. "Son, you're gonna be president someday..." For two terms, too.
  13. That's a catch 22. Of course an aggressive war on terror is going to increase the anti-US attacks. 10 years of appeasement didn't work. What other options do we have?
  14. Martlet


    Heh, I love people that are so taken by you they even have to announce you're ignored, just to show they care. I guess she really likes you if she cares enough to tell you she's ignoring you, klenke.
  15. Liberal Media?
  16. Martlet


    I think you have a crush on me.
  17. Wasn't this: "There were 190 acts of international terrorism in 2003, a slight decrease from the 198 attacks that occurred in 2002, and a drop of 45 percent from the level in 2001 of 346 attacks. The figure in 2003 represents the lowest annual total of international terrorist attacks since 1969." interesting though? I don't know what they classify the beheading.
  18. Martlet


    Are all liberal moonbats this hypocritical?
  19. When did you decide to just "skip to the meat" and not read the link?
  20. Martlet

    Donald Rumsfeld...

    It is? Then you shouldn't have any trouble finding me hard facts, not just hints and stories about IRCRC reports. Hellooooooooooo: The Red Cross report from a year ago is factual. It documented quite a number of serious problems at the prison. CNN had a minor blurb on this about 6 months ago and said the army was "investigating". You're flailing oh young one and embarassing yourself. You said I can take it to the bank. I said great, then you shouldn't have any trouble finding me the facts, not just hints and stories about reports. I'm still waiting.....
  21. Martlet


    Ahhh, so everyone that scampers away with their tail between their legs just realizes I'm not worth their time. Much like the German's running from the Allies in WWII. It just wasn't worth their time. Because I don't need defending, moonbat. I'd say you defeat your own argument, but heck, you don't really even have one.
  22. !! Yeah, I was laughing too! Isn't that good news! cherry picking of the data! the number of dead us citizens has increased by 50% since 2000 Total US Citizen Casualties Caused by International Attacks, 1996-2003 Listed by Year 1996 25 1997 6 1998 12 1999 5 2000 23 2001 1241 2002 30 2003 35 http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/pgtrpt/2001/html/10315.htm with additions for subsequent years as found in other reports as far as number of incidents, here is what explain in part the drop since 2001: "The main reason for the decrease was the sharp drop in oil pipeline bombings in Colombia (41 last year, compared to 178 in 2001)." http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/pgtrpt/2002/html/19980.htm finally here is an interesting figure that debunks the justification for the "war on terror": http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/pgtrpt/2003/31751.htm did you notice how the previous high (mid-80's) was during reagan, another "tough guy" .... so .... terrorism is at lowest point in 24 years but it has continually decreased over that time period! yet the number of us casualties has increased by ~50% since bush2 also this same link was originally used by lars a few weeks ago ... But my point still stands!
  23. Martlet


    Thanks! So far it's been great. It's a moonbat mecca, though. Good hunting grounds.
  24. Martlet


    Ahhh, that's right. News releases 3 days after the incident was reported doesn't prove anything. And the earth is flat. Crazy ran home with his tail between his legs. He's posted since then, just unlike you, he knows when he's been beaten. You're the idiot that keeps arguing the point long after everyone else realizes you're wrong.
  25. Martlet

    Donald Rumsfeld...

    It is? Then you shouldn't have any trouble finding me hard facts, not just hints and stories about IRCRC reports.
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