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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. and yet you don't deny the simile
  2. while we are into similes: Virendra7 is like a festering, syphillic chancre sore on a warthogs sphincter
  3. what an unfortunate place to make a spelling error. you fall for the easy stuff. its fun. i will now add that 'e'. thank you. STFU
  4. it's what they put in hummus
  5. what an unfortunate place to make a spelling error.
  6. gag reflex?
  7. Boobyjizm
  8. THE LAW of course....... STFU.
  9. she should have thrown Tvash out the window...
  10. are you another Canuck? if not, get the f*** out of the US, if it sucks so bad.
  11. KaskadskyjKozak


    Let's all add KBoner to our ignore user list and see how long it takes him to give up and go away. skull
  12. No, I've spent 2 months outside of the idiotic cocoon of nicompoops that is the US. Why did you bother to come back? Take your ass back there to the non "nincompoops" in that playground you just spent your vacation $$ in. People die, so let's show killing right in front of little kids too. It's just life, after all. And we drink to, so hey, hand a 4 year old a martini. I doubt that very much... linky...
  13. You guys are fucked in the brain.
  14. nice crack
  15. who cares if it was in a movie or not? most human families throughout history have shared a common room/bed so use your imagination... somehow I think this situation was just a wee bit different, don't you think? a common room, in the dark, while kids are asleep, or at least with eyes closed, heads on pillow, versus all over the house in broad daylight. Use YOUR imagination ass clown.
  16. Peace and Middle East are mutually-exclusive terms.
  17. your idiocy has no defense
  18. and non-Christians *do*? didn't you ever see dances with wolves? what else have you "learned" watching hollywood movies?
  19. and non-Christians *do*?
  20. You cant make me. STFU, KBoner
  21. I'm not trained as a lawyer, but I think the judge makes decisions regarding the admissibility of evidence, and for good reason often times. Juries then make decisions based on the evidence heard (that's why we have juries!). btw, based on what i know about this case (which isn't a lot), i don't think he should have been convicted. Exactly. Often juries' information is filtered by the judge in ways that defy common-sense.
  22. That's hot.
  23. I'm surprised she wasn't smoking a pipe.
  24. KaskadskyjKozak


    there's nothing better than sugar, fat, caffeine, and alcohol
  25. i guess that's why we (boarders) are always the last ones on the mountain at the end of the day i actually ride primarily with tele skiers That's because snowboarders spend half the day sitting on the slopes just over a blind hump, or immediately off the lift. You spent too much time resting and not enough time "riding" Snowboarders also show their skillz as they go on terrain they can't ride down and lean one their back edge scraping all the good snow off for the rest of us.
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