Wow, 0.6 degrees Celcius in 60+ years! I'm underwhelmed! Exactly how much is due to man alone, and how much otherwise? By exactly I want a number with certainty from peer reviewed journals (ala Foraker). And, if we do nothing then the temperature will rise another 0.6 degrees in 60 more years? or maybe 1 or 2 degrees? Alternatively if we make huge sacrifices in our personal lives in the US for those 60 years we'll do EXACLTY what? Limit the rate of growth by 1%? Maybe 5%? I want hard numbers man. And I want accurate predictions (which we don't get) on EXACTLY what will happen in either case, not the bullshit hand-wringing hyperbole we hear today.
And if I am to sign up for huge personal sacrifices, I expect EVERYONE to do the same, including Al Gore, hollywood, and all you fuckers on the list who swallow this line of thought. Yes, that means less unnecessary trips to climbing areas - both in state and around the world - no more trips to Denali, the Dolomites, or whereever.