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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Well, I've got an MS and I know what is what. My favorite question is to ask about the equals() method in Java. Why would you need to override it, and what *else* might you need to do... If they don't get that they're almost certain to get the boot immediately. I once had a guy who wrote on his resume "expert at Java 1.4.x API". So I asked him to tell me a little about what interfaces and classes were in the java.util package. "uh, I don't memorize the packages, I use Javadocs to look stuff up". OK, how about the collections framework. Tell me about some of the classes and interfaces there. Surely, you can come up with something you don't have to look up. "UHhhh...".
  2. Let us do it! Let us do it! Unfortunately THEY probably can't do it. Those offshore guys more often than not write crappy, kludgy code that needs refactoring.
  3. I think it's cool to put some names to faces. Who cares what some ass clowns said to you. They can go f-off.
  5. The functional muscle is inside and can't be seen anyway. doesn't change the fact that its hot, now does it? It's HOT! Hot and wet down in Poon Tang!
  6. Would you be my neighbor?
  7. I'll repeat a comment posted by JayB. Any woman brave enough to post her picture in this forum should get kudos.
  8. go wash your ass.
  9. It depends of the picture. If you post a picture of you smoking a cigarette drinking hams sitting around a campfire to show everybody how cool you are, then its shallow as hell. But when asked to post by other cc.comer, it is not. Archie posed the question to men.
  10. I once had to work with a class hierarchy consisting of 4 6,000+ line SAX parsers. The code looked like an unholy union of FORTAN, C, and Java, and included things like "constants" that were set repreatedly, hand-rolled JDBC result/set wrappers, and 200 line if/else-if statements. After refactoring the shit down to something reasonable the author accosted me for making his code "more complicated", and inconsistent w/r/t to other code in the codebase that he wrote. His definition of "more complicated" - if you split a class into more than one class, then by definition it is more complicated. I told him to lick sack.
  11. your guys' insecurities are so transparent...
  12. Write test cases to wrap the shitty code. Refactor mercilessly.
  13. You think I'm going to be intimidated by you cause you have a cute ass???
  14. Probably because of the line about the deep throat...
  15. Can't we all just get along??
  16. I found this in my inbox today. It looks surprisingly like something V7 would write: Wheel tracks entrench themselves in snow, yet painted Sphinx of questioning substance, or a sort But what I am looking at is hardened snow, giddy as good kids playing hookey. Now, Centimeters?that the height of the canvas The mortal architect had brought to life, Toward something that the world is pointing toward Lucky the bell?still full and deep of throat, The ordinary, wide scene which begins This third day of our January thaw, The winter road from the St. Simeon farm Snaps of ice cracking in the hidden air. II. Quest and Conquest Dreaming time has reversed, I watch drowned snow Hoarfrost is in his bones and on his head, Life, or only joy, that stands out From point to point of meaning?open? closed?? Where, as I discover as I go through When Arctic winds crack down from Canada
  17. Iraq war. Congress authorized the use of force AND continues to fund it, beyotch.
  18. Butt of course. :-) agreed I find that a skinny chick with no tone looks fairly repulsive. And a lot of "dieters" tend to go that way. Exercise is definitely the way to go and screw arbitrary "weight guidelines".
  19. Butt of course. :-)
  20. i'd win i am mean and i only fight to win. plus i out weigh her by about 50 pounds of muscle I hate to burst your bubble hon but I've seen your ass and that definitely isn't muscle oh god you made muffy cry you mean mean man. how dare you call my ass fat *snif* you should be banned. wanker Some men like it. Baby's got back. Who wants some anorexic, unhealthy-looking chick anyways?
  21. My future rope team:
  22. Marchenemy? That's hot.
  23. i have french ancestry and i retent that comment. monsieur. fermez la bouche
  24. I thought this was another thread hating on the French.
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