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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Go up Granite Mountain - it's a nicer hike.
  2. boom boxes in nature = noise pollution
  3. Ewww!
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    I prefer not to hear loud motorcycles period.
  5. Fuck that. How do expect to convince people to use public transport when you have to be subjected to a bunch of loud obnoxious fucks on cell phones?
  6. I do that as soon as someone comes within my personal space..maybe its a sign that your too close? Umm, like on the damn bus? Not much choice there about personal space.
  7. Remember when people just minded their own frikn business..you should try it you may find life happier Well, it is hard to mind your own business when some dude is 2 feet away from you talking on their cell phone at full conversation volume. I'll grant that that is annoying as hell.
  8. If life is so great in Ireland, Jim should move THERE. I'm sick of commie pinkos talking about how great Euroland is, while staying here. Hell, they speak English in Ireland, so there's no excuse. And interestingly enough, far more people want to immigrate to America than to Ireland, France, or any other socialist EU utopia.
  9. It's NOT beside the point at all. The VA, medicare - service about as good as a trip to the DMV. In other words, total shit.
  10. There is so much fraud in those programs, red tape, and total bureaucratic BS. To wit: recently I was reading how Iraq veterans who have LOST A LIMB in BATTLE were unable to get reimbursed for treatment, while Vietnam-era veterans were getting paid for treatment of SYPHILLIS which they acquired on leave. Once you get government involved GOOD LUCK getting treated, GOOD LUCK with all the red tape and other bullshit.
  11. You should try that sometime and see what happens.
  12. There's no getting around that fact. That alone does make me wonder if we'd be better of as a society by nationalizing health care. The fewer costs involved in a doctor visit, the cheaper the service. I do fear a little for the proven ability of the government to waste money and lose that benefit, but hey, who knows. This is about math, and it doesn't take a genius to deduce that the more middlemen you have making profits, the more society as a whole pays for the service, one way or another. Government will find a way to waste just as much, if not more money, than any middle man charges us. I have no faith whatsoever in a federally-run health plan. Period. This is a one-way deal here - nationalization that is. I say I want to see it done in a limited way first and PROVE that it is cheaper and we get the same benefits. Hell, start with some liberal stonghold first, say New York State - and see just how well it works.
  13. Because Government running our health care would be even worse. How about this idea - the gov't sets up a nonprofit "insurance" system, and set of non-profit clinics in a few key places in the US. Anyone who wants to OPTIONALLY use the gov't system can - and pay out of pocket or through their employer just as they would now. And after 2-3 years, PROVE to me and anyone else that doubt the gov't will do a better job with lower cost to me, and I'll believe you then.
  14. Now, that would be a sentiment I could agree with. Keep up the Nationalize Healthcare rhetoric, and lose another election.
  15. Yeah, just like heterosexuals don't have any problems. I almost posted that exact same response earlier. Scary!
  16. Now we just need our own Cliff to chime in. Hallo, Dru??
  17. and let's not forget that this model-American spends $400 on a haircut. linky
  18. why do you hate gays, Dru?
  19. Trust me, no conservative is opposed to tag.
  20. Can you ever NOT put words in someone's mouth? The "head dufus" is done. He's hit the term limit. NOBODY is advocating putting him back in office.
  21. but of course. not, hand-picked, natural ones though. I'm a little afraid of those. although, i know many people who insist they know a "bilyj hryb" when they see it... shit, my grandfather used to pick all kinds of mushrooms in Pennsylvania...
  22. He's standing on a pedestal and dictating to us how to lead our lives, while living exorbitantly. He deserves what he gets here. One politician who stands in stark contrast is Jerry Brown - at least back in the '70's. When he took over as governer he declined to live in the governer's mansion, rented a modest apartment, didn't us a limo, etc. I disagreed with the guy's politics, but at least he practiced some of what he preached.
  23. He's standing on a pedestal and dictating to us how to lead our lives, while living exorbitantly. He deserves what he gets here.
  24. My parents eat nothing "weird", my inlaws eat so much onions and garlic that you sweat and piss out the smell for 2 days.
  25. It will be a zoo... you'd probably go insane.
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