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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. AP? What's AP? You linked to FoxNews. It must be a fake story.
  2. But that story is from FoxNews. Therefore, it must be fake and disregarded by all liberals. Hilary is pure as the driven snow, and completely ethical and law-abiding. Not like BushCo, Cheney and Haliburton! Republican and Bush = evil, failure. Democrat and Hilary = angelic, success!
  3. After the debates, you'll be convinced that Hilary is the one. She is the smartest woman on Earth, after all.
  4. they were alarmed - they're just too polite to say anything.
  5. Trashie doesn't get any action. It explains a lot about him/it.
  6. Huh? WTF? That sounds like Switzerland. Where exactly is this true in the US?
  7. Wait until they start to itch.
  8. Democrats lack the 60-vote majority required in the Senate to override the filibusters promised and practiced by Republicans who support the war. nice try. there's another answer (the true one)
  9. amicus meus non es
  10. Where at? I got nailed by those bastards on the approach to Snow King a few years ago.
  11. Don't hate the player(s) just cause you don't rate.
  12. Yes, yes, I've heard this all before. Bush is just the worstest, dumbest president ever!! Really! Until the next guy comes along that the left (or right) dislikes. Then that will be the new worstest president ever.
  13. Jay, like me, has a well-developed lexicon, although I'll grant that he may have a slight advantage over me now. And I'm sure he has read Hobbes (not to mention Melville) as well.
  14. Brave New World... great book. thumbs up for the Maiden song too.
  15. with fat chicks. no thanks. JFK + MM, that's hot.
  17. ok, pick a topic. how about bolting?
  18. 1994-2000: R controls congress, D controls presidency
  19. That's a convenient lapse of memory. And 6 years at that!
  20. Neocon, heal thyself. Didn't think you'd have anything more substantive in response. I did... which of course you conveniently ignored above. It's ok, it was over your head, as I suspected it would be. Stultus es, stultus semper eris.
  21. No.
  22. The resident Phi Beta Kappa is advised to review a middle-school civics class curriculum - paying particular attention to the concepts of "presidential veto," "congressional override" and "2/3 majority" (this last one may require a math review). I hasten to remind you that the U.S. Senate is currently comprised of 49 Republicans, 49 Democrats, and two Independents; the House of Representatives is 233 Democrats and 202 Republicans. It's funny how during the Republican congress of 1994-2004, whose majority was not substantively different to the current Democrat majority was such a threat to all you Dems - they were a leviathon that could not be stopped! The horror! The humanity. Now you've changed your tune. An analogous majority is "impotent". Typical. And laughable. And keep rationalizing as your party does little different than the last. They do want to stay in power you know - that's the goal.
  23. You need to acquire some reading comprehension skills. 1. it's bad netiquette to nitpick typos. 2. there was another Democrat a few years ago with the name Kerrey. Sorry that I don't care a wit about the latter fellow to remember how to spell his name versus the other. Damn those folks at Ellis Island for their inconsistency. 3. nausea - yes indeed a Latin first declension noun. It is disappointing indeed that of the 6 languages I know, I could not remember if it was a masculine or feminine noun. At least I remembered that the preposition "ad" governs the accusative case. I'm sure you know all of this of course, being so brilliant.
  24. For once we agree. And it's not just WalMart. We are doomed.
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