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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Mattp, I'm hardly wrapping myself in the cloak of patriotism here. I'm sure if they'd put up a banner for Walmart, people would be just as torqued, even though, arguably, a lot of people here probably get crap there for climbing trips. How many climbers have I gone out with who stop at the McD's in Leavenworth? How about banner for them? Seems that's part of 'climbing cluture'. Where do you draw that imaginary line? I suppose if the CEO of backcountry.com made some obscene salary that exacerbates the rich/poor wage gap, there'd also be objections to them having ads, even though they're serving this 'climbing culture' you keep talking about but never define. Seems to me climbers are a more diverse lot than you seem to think they are. I'm sure that if the ad had been for the Peace Corps, there'd have been no objections, right? I'll repeat three words mentioned above: pecunia non olet.
  2. STFU, troll!
  3. More like "cowering asshole".
  4. Amen, brother! That's all I see as well. He/it seems to be obsessively compelled to respond to every post of mine, deriving some kind of meaning from that activity to fill his otherwise empty existence.
  5. I was thinking Germany, France and the UK... but yeah, fair enough.
  6. 60 years of Europeans not slaughtering each other is already an unprecedented historical phenomenon.
  7. Maybe the Rooster is a moderator on that site.
  8. still don't believe in it?
  9. Invading Normandy and bombing Nagasaki were solutions to end WWII. And we've not gone to war with Germany since, now, have we?
  10. It's the exact opposite, you assclown. Since the dawn of time war has been the predominant solution and perfectly acceptable to almost every culture and nation.
  11. "we"? are the voices in your head all in unanimous agreement on this subject?
  12. You are one stupid fothermucker.
  13. Free speech includes speech you disagree with. If you try hard, that concept may actually penetrate your addled brain.
  14. Free speech - EXACTLY - as exercised by the military advertisement. Thanks for coming around to that realization and supporting this CC.com sponsorship.
  15. You really *are* retarded.
  16. Wishing for the death of your political adversaries: you'd make a fine Nazi.
  17. And how would you remedy that mistake? Do you have a 'final solution'?
  18. the question is what did you do that was so terrible in your last life to have been born the way you are in the current life.
  19. I don't know but I'm fine with giving tats for tits.
  20. Tit for tat, my friend. So, when is your next pogrom planned, anyways?
  21. You're the one who hates jews. Planning any lynchings soon? Do you hate blacks too? And when did you stop beating your wife? Just curious.
  22. Look closer, like you? Living in the US, thousands of miles away. And whom are you "asking"? MoveOn.org? You tool.
  23. Naw. Buckaroo can actually string together a coherent thought, however addled it might be. Although they do share a twisted world-view, that is for sure.
  24. Based on your incoherent blathering am not surprised that you don't know the meaning of "pillage". Main Entry: 2 pillage Function: verb Inflected Form(s): pil·laged; pil·lag·ing transitive verb : to plunder ruthlessly : LOOT intransitive verb : to take booty synonym see RAVAGE - pil·lag·er noun I reject the idea that we are "pillaging" Iraq by definition.
  25. and it's KK, you asshole. Kaskadskyj Kozak (Каскадський Козак). Slur me and expect the like in return. Indeed your comments against "Zionists" and jew-conspiracy theories actually put YOU right in the camp of the KKK.
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