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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I've seen it - and if you call that "raw data" then you truly are just a Kool Aid drinking stooge who's mama spoon fed the peaches for just a few too many years. (Does she still bathe you too?) BTW: I'm still waiting for that for that graph you promised showing The Milankovitch Cycle producing a modern ice age! Do you have it? Or were you just making shit up? - again. If we could only reduce Trashtalkintina's hot air and farts alone we'd be able to stop the Coleman glacier from receding a few dozen feet over the next 30 years!
  2. Here's a moon for ya:
  3. Sounds kind of thrashy
  4. Note to Kevboner: that means he is an OPTIMIST.
  5. there's nothing cooler than one of those armbands giving you an all-day pass at as many rides as you want
  6. faster is not better just ask Archie Лучше было закрыть твое проклятое рыло. hey, now! in the context of this discussion, however: Лучше было б открыть твое проклятое рыло, you jizz-gargling clown-puncher.
  7. faster is not better just ask Archie
  8. Damn, Minx!! you beat me to the punch!
  9. Let me help: how about Kevbone?
  10. I'll bet you'll "resize it"
  11. too... much... information
  12. not necessarily. speaking of companies, is it really necessary to have office lights on all night in every building? Is it really necessary for cities to have all those street lights burning? what about a change in lifestyle more closely aligned to sunrise and sunset? sorry, that might force folks to abandon their night lives in bars, but the planet is at stake.
  13. you could have done your part by not buying a computer.... speaking of computers, simply powering down when not in use saves electricity and reduces your carbon footprint. how many folks out there do you think leave their computers on continuously?
  14. I could kill you with just this finger
  15. Почему-то, я очень сомневаюсь в твоему "знании" разных языков, дурак. Очевидно, я действую на твои нервы, как я отвечаю на твои глупые "оскарбления" на русском. Это моя цель. Я не русский, и ты ничего не знаешь ни про русских ни про украинских. По-этому дурак показывается ты сам! Лучше было закрыть твое проклятое рыло.
  16. "no holocaust, wipe Israel off the map... you silly man. I have a friend who would like you very well... Mr. Zhirinovskij"
  17. So you'd like to see some Communistic solution to global warming where every person is treated exactly equal. Wait a minute, buddy. The communist slogan is not "equal amounts for everyone"! It is: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need And Al Gore follows that to a tee - he "needs more".
  18. what about our appetite for all types of fresh produce all year? perhaps people should think about foregoing kiwis in December? OK, first I'd like to see the cost of shipping that stuff (in terms of CO2 footprint) to see if it merits the sacrifice, but you get my point?
  19. бідний дурак, ти чуєш дзвін а не знаеш де й він. москаль, селянин? срати на матір твою!
  20. that's what I said, only more nasty
  21. Americans WASTE. There are easy ways to make a difference with little personal change. For example, plan you excursions. If you have to drop the kids at a soccer game AND go for groceries, combine them into one trip minimizing distance travelled rather than doing two round-trips.
  22. Not quite. Some acts might have more impact, and some less. It's a matter of looking at the impact in the aggregate. And cutting back, might not mean cutting out completely. For example, I might climb at Snoqualmie Pass more and Washington Pass less. I might buy replacement gear less often, rather than not at all, and buy used more often or rent/borrow more (although the latter might involve driving to pick up and drop off...). my point is that if EVERY bit counts... then exactly that. EVERY BIT. climbing at snoqualmie has impact...you can take that impact away by not going. unless it isn't that much of a dire situation. global warming, that is. it's not all or nothing
  23. понюхай мой палець... вчера ночю я сделал твою жену, бурсурманский дурак!
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