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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Communism IS inherently violent. Look at the body count and the track record, you worthless piece of shit. Wow, you really DON'T understand the concept of an 'instance'. Yeah, Marxism is a laudable philosophy, which has only been twisted and "improperly" implemented. If only its noble goals could be realized in a perfect "instantiation" or "implementation". I've heard it all before from commie-sympathizing pukes such as yourself. Gee, is Nazism just "fascism" gone bad too? A bad "instantiation" of a legitimate philosophical form of government. You're a typical leftie fuck who will rationalize anything as long as it meets your anti-capitalist, America-hating, world view. Fuck off and die, pinko. Oh, and for the record, applying principles of a hard science, or tech career to real life - like history or politics, and theory of government, only shows a certain, ahem, ignorance and social retardation that is all too common from your ilk. Gee, let's construct a mathematical model, or scientific experiment, or misapply a concept in OO languages to explain forms of government and historical events. I laugh at you and fart in your general direction, comrade. Now instantiate this gesture: my middle finger right in your fat fucking face.
  2. How do you know that fear over our apparent plan of nuclear-backed domination of the world didn't sour the deal? I wasn't there (i.e. in the CCCP), and neither were you. Forgive me for my skepticism in the face of the constant dogma that we are always good, innocent victims and that our enemies always have been and always will be evil murderers who have it coming. Somehow that strikes me as a little too simple... it almost sounds like some kind of idealistic political philosophy... executed perfectly, at least until people start realizing that there is no shit that does not stink. Stalin slaughtered millions of his own people, as did Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, and every other infamous communist cocksucker is a murdering, evil dog. There's a huge difference between characterizing us Americans/Democrats/Capitalists as "innocent" victims and saying we are far better than the communists. Your moral equivalency is complete fucking bullshit. Too bad you don't live in Stalinist Russia, along with TTK. You deserve it.
  3. Yeah, that's exactly why we were the good guys - we got the bomb first. You're a fucking ass clown.
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    You should be grateful you can hide behind a computer screen... and your momma's skirt, little boy.
  5. Communism IS inherently violent. Look at the body count and the track record, you worthless piece of shit.
  6. Don't forget his expertise in bees. Especially wasps.
  7. Your friends the commies did more forced labor, starvation, and execution than the Nazis. Read a book, yourself, tittie-boy. Start with this:
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


    I can always climb more; you'll always be stupider than a bucket of snot.
  9. KaskadskyjKozak


    STFU, boner. Coming from someone who does not even climb……shhhh! yeah, right, I just post on this bullshit site for the hell of it. eat ass kboner.
  10. KaskadskyjKozak


    STFU, boner.
  11. hangover cure for everyone here? i'd prefer some of this . mmm.
  12. Still hungover, eh?
  13. There is no answer for PMS.
  14. for me vodka and rum did the least damage - as long as they were not the super cheap stuff.
  15. Not me. We went to bed early and hit the slopes. Small crowds with all the drunks sleeping in.
  16. Who said anything about the Cascades exclusively? Many hard-liquors are 80 proof, which will freeze solid on a cold night on Denali. Even a 100 proof might... if you dip below -40.
  17. Last year I was hiking down from Mt. Pugh on a day hike on a hot day in August. We ran into two guys coming up the final stretch to Stujack that looked way out of place... big old pot bellies, jeans and ripped t-shirts, work boots... looked like a couple of hicks. The one guy had an ice cold can of beer in his hand... we could tell this because it was 'sweating'. Anyways, they stopped us to ask how far to the top of Mt. Forgotten... and we turned them around and pointed it out, and told them what trail they were on. The dudes were way lit. They thanked us and I asked about the beer. The guy was hauling a cooler with a half-rack in his pack. They then continued up towards Pugh. At least they were getting out!
  18. He's 3 1/2 yrs old now. I was thinking of doing the climb in 2009 he'd be 5 then. I think the whole idea is nuts, but it's been done before: young climber on Rainier
  19. Not true... it will freeze... the temperatures have to be colder.
  20. I enjoy a small amount of cognac or whiskey at base camp (one little airplane bottle full)
  21. Well, not all drinks are one "drink"... a "drink" is a 12 oz beer, or a 1.25 oz of 80 proof shot/mixed drink. A martini can be easily 2 or more drinks depending on how big it is. :-)
  22. mostly good article, although the advice that gin is a good choice is bogus. the herbal extracts (esp. juniper berries) will screw you up big time - not a good drink to get drunk on. did you have a high quality vodka or cheap shit like Monarch? best to pay more and suffer less (KetelOne is a good choice) I can only drik Top Shelf. Can't stand the gut rot. Chopin. Potato Vodka. Oh so goooood. No after bite. 4 x. Good man. For top shelf, I like Grey Goose. Never really have more than 4 drinks these days though, so the hangover facts are from memory...
  23. mostly good article, although the advice that gin is a good choice is bogus. the herbal extracts (esp. juniper berries) will screw you up big time - not a good drink to get drunk on. did you have a high quality vodka or cheap shit like Monarch? best to pay more and suffer less (KetelOne is a good choice)
  24. or just do it in moderation.
  25. Hair of the Dog?? back in the day, I'd do the following: 1) take advil 2) drink water 3) sleep 4) drink more water 5) sleep etc. until the pain in the head was gone. Then off to exercise.
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