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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. stairs? try tiger mountain. naked in 33 degree rain. with his mouth sewn shut. Brilliant evangelistic tool good man.....Having to see TTK naked for all eternity would drive the devil himself to the good book true that. in this world, one second of that sight would burn your retinas and turn you blind instantly. in the afterlife, you'd have no such good fortune.
  2. listen to some tapes of Teddie Roosevelt, or FDR, or Truman, JFK, etc. yes, we've dropped to the lowest common denominator. the royal we has perhaps. i didn't vote for bush, did you? Gore and Kerrey talk like morons as well. Sorry, no difference. Reagan purposely used simple language, but at least was articulate, humorous and thought on his toes, improvised. Bubba also chose to dumb-down his rhetoric, using Reagan as a model. But again, at least it was a choice.
  3. stairs? try tiger mountain. naked in 33 degree rain. with his mouth sewn shut.
  4. listen to some tapes of Teddie Roosevelt, or FDR, or Truman, JFK, etc. yes, we've dropped to the lowest common denominator.
  5. Dude, WTF are you talking about? You ever heard of banks foreclosing? How about the "company store". Debt existed in the "old days", with dire consequences.
  6. you crack me up
  7. you'll vote for Hillary?
  8. offend? it's spray, man.
  9. Bold words from Fairyfeather's sex slave. Happy birthday, sheep shagger!
  10. Hey Ass clown, Save your cute names for a personal meeting sometime , then we'll see ok? ... you pig. sorry fuckwad, but I'll dish it out right back at you. Yes, most of us have similar stories to tell. You are hardly some "working class poor" as you tried to posture in your little sanctimonious pontification attacking JayB's post, and whatever your income bracket, compared to your parents and grandparents you're doing pretty damn good. Isn't that exactly what Jay's post was about? Yep. Now go lick sack.
  11. lack of freedom also begets inequality.
  12. how about a fat fuck who milked the capitalist system he spits on to make his fortune so he can sit at home "doing whatever the fuck he wants" - sipping martinis, climbing, and skiing, living like a king, and brags about it? how's that for income inequality, tittie boy?
  13. Assuming you are really a "lowly working class" grunt, you can be assured that a person living in the US 70 years ago in your same percentile of income (or wealth - pick your metric) was doing a hell of a lot worse than you are. They'd be lucky to afford shoes for their kids and rent, yet alone expensive climbing gear and recreational hobbies, you jackass.
  14. Actually, it was written by 5 Frenchmen and later translated into English. It's a pretty committing read - on the order of "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" in size and detail. and parts are based on some recently declassified documents from the former Soviet Union, but let's not let facts get in the way of ass_justin's preconceived notions. He can't seem to at least Google the book or maybe look at Amazon reviews before spewing some opinion, yet alone read the book.
  15. Unfettered, pure capitalism is not "good". Who ever said that? Robber barons, exploitation, yes, we all know the history. But its track record does not even come close to the evils the communists have brought upon the world - intentional calculated mass murder, enslavement, and crushing of the human spirit. They make Genghis Khan's legacy look mild by comparison.
  16. Действительно, ты королева... королева без "ле". Такое вымя у тебя!
  17. Non sequitor. Condemning an evil political ideology like Communism is hardly flag waving. It's a no-brainer. Yet you argue the opposite, and when you lose, well you go off into some tangent about flag waving. Clue-in, dick weed - nobody has said anything about the grand old USA in this thread, nor anything about military service. Nice try though. Maybe your martini-addled brain will figure out how to actually argue a point some day, and stick to it, but I doubt it, fatso. Stick with your posts on wasps and TRs on Tiger Mountain.
  18. Your true colors are revealed - as if your big "D" party affiliation and ACLU credentials were not enough. You'd have made a fine member of the nomenklatura, comrade. I'm sure there's room for you somewhere in China or Cuba. Why not get the fahq out of the US, and live where you'll be the most happy?
  19. Sorry, but you lose on that, and you know it. Whatever "demonization" has occurred in the past has been fully scrutinized, revised, analyzed, argued, and a modern consensus has emerged. In the case of Communism - the verdict is out. Again, I refer you to a book like "The Black Book of Communism". Read it, then come back and tell me Communism is not inherently evil - a victim of the "winner's" perspective and propaganda.
  20. Wrong. Only some of them are considered evil. Are the Brits "evil", from whom we gained our independence and fought again in the war of 1812? Nope. The Spaniards or Mexicans whom we fought in the 19th century? Nope. How about the Indians - evil? Nope. The Nazis? The Japanese fascists? The commies? Hell yes! There is an interesting (albeit short) article in this week's Newsweek about the use of "evil" in defining groups of different polictical beliefs in the US. It doens't address the groups you are discussing here, but it might be an interesting point of view to look at. Like pornography, I can't define evil, but I can identify it when I see it.
  21. Wrong. Only some of them are considered evil. Are the Brits "evil", from whom we gained our independence and fought again in the war of 1812? Nope. The Spaniards or Mexicans whom we fought in the 19th century? Nope. How about the Indians - evil? Nope. The Nazis? The Japanese fascists? The commies? Hell yes!
  22. Making fun of a woman's body parts (specifically those which are considered in a sexual light) is "benign". Only some guy with a really small dick would think that. TTK was making fun of womens' body parts? I missed that post...
  23. Gee, some besserwissers, *still* think it would work... just with the correct "instantiation".
  24. Amen, brother. Communism is a crushing, anti-human form of evil unmatched in world history.
  25. speaking of reposts. let's not forget our interlocutor's visage and obvious lineage:
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