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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Ha! Sohw tihs to taht mroon No. 13!
  2. "Member" is an euphemism for many things. Just what are you inferring? Did someone say Motorhead?
  3. they look more like sheep or bull nuts. Muchos gracias, senor! As I tell the mamacitas... tango la verga de un Toro!
  4. i got pulled over for those, then I explained to the cop that they were not a prop... I cut a hole in the bottom of my floor to air out my "boys" after a strenuous day in the mountains.
  5. if the survial of my hobby is predicated on the mental stablity of my wife when plans get wierd, i am hopelessly fawked Most people I know have a time pre-established when the person at home should call for help. For those of you w/spouses or SOs or family in general that get extra antsy or nervous when you’re late, you might try giving them contact info for another friend/experienced climber who can talk them off the ledge if your several hours late. Give them a list of reasons why you might be a whole night delayed and still be fine. Remember if they don’t climb they’ve got no frame of reference. Try and give them some. Its easy to say to someone “don’t call for a rescue until I’m 24 hours late.” It’s a lot harder for the person at home not to call when you’re long overdue. or tell your SO will not be home until 24 hours after you intend, and then surprise him/her with an early return. ;-)
  6. What about Rainy Pass Repair?
  7. Perhaps S&R should ignore all calls from wives/girlfriends/etc. until a party is overdue by 24 hours. That would work just fine. And when you (self-)register that information/warning could be clearly posted.
  8. I find a camelbak with (diluted) gatorade works well to offset the whining. Also, cheetos are a big hit, or "kudos" bars.
  9. Beginning mid-march, try Lake 22. There'll be some snow, esp. up near the end where it flattens out. Stay away from the cliffs though (and off the ice on the lake).
  10. I think most of us have already taken note of your pp preoccupation. actually, his obsession is with O.P.P. - yeah, he down wid it!!
  11. Yawn. Did you whip out the clip-on pony-tail and acoustic guitar while concluding that there's nothing that a successful, opinionated woman needs more than a chap like you to shield her from honest feedback and claim that any critical response to her tirade equals misogyny? She's free to keep chugging however much intellectual embalming fluid is necessary to keep the cognitive necro-nostalgia for the hard-left lesbo-cant from late 60's and early 70's going right up until she joins the great gender-neutral socialist commune in the skies. I am free to respond to it. Unfortunately - you are also free to ride in on your free-range, organically fed gelding and defend her statement with an especially odd cocktail of narcissism and condescension that constitutes a substantial portion of your online personality. In this context, it's manifested itself in the inherently contradictory "Oh, I do *love* the liberated ladies, but make note of how very much they need me to ride to the rescue..." Gag. I owe you a drink for this beautiful piece of work, bro.
  12. be careful, or he'll challenge your manliness with an invitation to go ice climbing with him.
  13. you could help them make a ham sandwich
  14. Ah-ha - we always knew you liked Pink. Now just admit you like Kevbone!
  15. Sink the pink
  16. Totally rad..... I am aways from that point, but am looking forward to it. I am thinking 4 years old. it's amazing how natural climbing comes to little kids... as compared to when you learn as an adult like me. if I can get someone else to belay, or lock off, I'll try and get a photo.
  17. you know what I hate? I hate it when I'm shaving and the razor falls out of my hand, and I try to catch it, and it slices the end of my d***. Man, I hate that. Happens to me all the time... and I still got lots left! (credit to Rodney Rude)
  18. срати на матір твою.
  19. TTK.
  20. chinga tu madre pendejo! Пішов ти на хуй, зайобаний засранцю!
  21. you seem to be continuing with your comprehension problems. it does match rather nicely with your humor problems and your analysis problems though. you did get the moron part right though. ah yes, drinking and posting: here's a reason not to. don't let the bastard grind you down Cocoa!!
  22. eat ass, you clownpuncher
  23. KaskadskyjKozak


    rooster goo?
  24. just got my little guys a harness after our first trip to a climbing gym. cant' wait to take them out again... and onto real rock soon.
  25. Well, Satan did win today (the Pats)
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