Who held the purse strings? All spending bills originate where?
A bullshit argument in Reagan's case. Aside from the fact that presidential vetoes are very hard to override, the (defense) spending at that time was fully supported by Reagan.
As for Carter, he's remembered for the oil embargo, economic stagnation, and a botched hostage rescue.
The dismal economic situation was an inevitable byproduct of the out of control spending for the Vietnam war: any president would have suffered the same fate there. The oil embargo resulted in Carter pushing energy independence: had Reagan not dismantled his programs, we'd probably be much better off than we are now as a country (and a planet). And as for the hostage rescue; that was one small, failed mission, albeit embarrassing, not the two lost wars we currently face. What has been forgotten is that Carter was also the originator of a middle eastern rapid deployment force, which later allowed us to gain a quick Desert Storm victory.
You remember what you want to remember. I remember Carter was, and remains the most conservative Christina president EVER! Yes, an ordained minister.....
I remember the USSR invation and ocupation of Afganistan, and that allowed the rise of the Taliban....
I remember Carter's goofy brother, and getting attacked by a killer rabbit. ;-)