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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. i pity you
  2. keep trying. someday, you might actually be funny.
  3. gee, I guess the Clarence Thomas thread isn't enough for your moonbat circle jerks. why not start 10-20 more threads with boring, rehashed attacks against your favorite punching bags? better yet, seek psychiatric help for your obsession.
  4. Those all sound like plausible explanations for Prole's profound mental retardation.
  5. Gary! I think Archie just volunteered to dress up like a playboy babe and *** like a rabbit with you. Score!
  6. to each his own.
  7. Elvis has left the building!
  8. I'm gonna go work for Diebold, so I can do my civic duty
  9. my internet is down
  10. or register a bunch of felons, and "uncodumented" workers, as well as get absentee ballots for the dead. then your vote can be 10 or 20 fold!
  11. that's what I figured... i got spoiled after Dec/Jan... not too eager for spring conditions in Feb. No, I don't want any cheese to go with my whine.
  12. it's hope... and change... repeat... look at the shiny object. you are getting very sleepy...
  13. what is the snow like after all this warm weather? i haven't gone up thinking it would suck
  14. do you want to be fried with that?
  15. Weird that when an American black finds success in a job which serves society he or she is immediately vilified by folks like you. No fun to watch history march past your dead ideology, is it? - Bob Seems like the issue at hand is he's NOT DOING THAT JOB SO WELL, dumbass. Weird how guys like you are so quick to defend your token black conservative with reactionary statements that attempt to make you look "fair and balanced". When Obama becomes president we'll see how apolitical you are, assclown. STFU. What is this a slow news day, so you dig out an old favorite whipping boy? Newt's gone, no Rummy or Ashcrowft, so go back to the tried and true, Thomas? You guys on the left are fucking ridiculous.
  16. my belay goes up to 11
  17. Wow, you're really on a roll now, Porter. I expect better from Kevbone.
  18. linky
  19. Wow, I'm just blown away by your flame. Very impressive. And so not funny.
  20. guess again
  21. You should have told him you would like to avoid being niggardly with your word choice.
  22. Sweet! I take it there was no bushwacking?
  23. No it isn't.
  24. are you making everyone an offer here, rob?
  25. self-identifying sig, porter?
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