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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. And the left is represented by equally low-brow dimwits. Damn you guys are so pathetic with your one-sided myopic delusions.
  2. so, is that tome worth muddling through?
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    it's probably edible
  4. No shit. Like I said - let's maintain the ones we have -with adequate funding, and not through increased usage fees.
  5. I was better off every year until this year. I peaked last year. I'm sure America's best days are ahead of her though, unlike that peanut farmer.
  6. How about produce? Apples are up to like $2 a pound, and I clearly remember them being more like $1 a pound a few years ago. And I mean the ones on sale, not the most expensive, out of season ones. Suddenly I feel a little like the frog whose water was turned up a few degrees until I boiled.
  7. I cut out driving to work, carpool more to TH's, etc. Look, it's no fantasy - there is a price crunch for the basic living expenses. Gas, water, and electrical are higher too.
  8. I have seen a price crunch in groceries and gas. More like $200-300 per month.
  9. Than 4 years ago? Reagan's a propos question.. For the first time in 20 years, I gotta say "No" and this is why.
  10. Yeah, I'm still waiting for the day a ranger pulls into a TH turnout and demands a fee or tells me I can't sleep there (e.g. WA Pass, Eldorado TH, whatever)
  11. Ahh, Cali. Well, they charge more there because it's higher usage and they can get away with it. People will pay it.
  12. and they charge extra to light a fire.
  13. Before the bush peso Canadian campgrounds were about the same as US campgrounds. several Yosemite campgrounds are $20 a night, several Jellystone campgrounds are $17 yeah, but if you stay in the park a week, you pay 7x the entrance fee. in the US, the entrance fee for one day is good for a week.
  14. $25? Where are you camping? I typically see rates from 10-15. I just reserved 2 spots in Kalaloch for $18 a night and that includes the online reservation fee through the org running the reservation service, and that was on the high end. Now, try visiting Canada, and you'll really see high usage fees.
  15. I think some usage fees are reasonable. Campgrounds with toilets to clean or paper to stock, firepits to be cleaned, trashcans to be emptied. But that doesn't mean usage fees alone should be paying for maintenance and upkeep of our parks.
  16. Well, I think we can certainly afford to double or triple budgets for our NF's and NP's to maintain and improve them. Hardly a drop in the bucket compared to our other budgetary line items.
  17. agreed. and let's fix the fucking roads we have. i'd like to get up Glacier, Dome, and a few other peaks. F'n'A.
  18. linky Really the best solution for Iraq has been, and remains partitioning the country into three parts, which has always been opposed by our "ally", Turkey. Wilson was right about Kurdistan...
  19. Are we speaking about all of Islam here? Yeah, all this racism is confusing. Clarification please! YES, I SPEAK OF ALL AND KNOW ALL. EVERY WORD I SAY SHOULD BE TAKEN AS GOSPEL AND NOT AS A GENERAL STATEMENT OF OPINION. I HAVE NO TIME TO LIST THE MANY EXCEPTIONS THAT ALL PEON READERS WOULD LIKE INCLUDED. Get real. A person can't make a general statement from their own observations or opinions anymore without lame-ass freaks jumping all over it and trying to "discredit" a basic opinion by saying that golly gee wilikers not every single instance could possibly be included/covered in this. Yes, it is my general opinion, not only for people in Islam but for people all over the world, that human beings desire freedom. They will fight for it to the death. And every group of people that I have ever read about that has been oppressed by others (via religion, force, economic warfare, whatever) fight for more freedom. The conclusion that Prole made that my opinion somehow makes me a racist is an interesting one. Have no clue how the followers of Islam suddenly became a race or how I (a person who believes that the introduction of freedoms into any oppressed group will change that group) suddenly became a racist. Especially against a group of people whom I put effort into understanding by reading their religious text and studying their language. I am confounded. So I guess it is me who needs the clarification. POTD Thank God we still have a normal person on this forum like Archie. Well, normal is relative.
  20. “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.” - WF Buckley, Jr.
  21. Requiescat in pace. On another note, Senator Byrd had a fall this week. I hope he recovers.
  22. KaskadskyjKozak


    my boys need to have a fenced-in area.
  23. KaskadskyjKozak


    A fine balance between being too constricted, and too free.
  24. KaskadskyjKozak


    boxers or briefs?
  25. xVpIAmCVrWM
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