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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Like the ones your FreedomFighters built in El Salvador? the body count from you ideology is undeniable and incomparable to any other. but keep on defending your comrades around the world.
  2. we stepped over a few last Sun. they were not opened up much.
  3. no, it'd be the other fucked up shit you and your ilk (just for you!) advocate like wealth distribution, hate-rhetoric, class warfare, and mass graves for your political adversaries.
  4. poor prole, always trying to rationalize his Marxist buddies around the world and their fucked up ideology.
  5. za zdorovya!
  6. a childhood friend of mine used to take his parents' car for joy rides. we'd be eating dinner and our dining room faced the road, and we lived on a corner with a stop sign. he'd come rolling up, smile and drive on. he was 13. a few years later after high school he was convicted of grand theft auto and was locked up a couple of years. couldn't have seen that coming...
  7. sounds like my day
  8. Monday wasn't too bad. Tuesday was a downer. i ate and ate all day monday. energy level was nil
  9. yeah, I'll bet Monday was a productive day for you
  10. STFU ALREADY!!!!!!!
  11. oh, yeah, baby!
  12. ouch
  13. you lucky sumbitch
  14. Will 10,000 rounds be enough? How many grenades will I need? make sure they are rocket-propelled. also, you could use some shoulder-launched SAM's to take out those black helicopters
  15. It's summer. I'm thinking about a nice old-fashioned made with Rittenhouse 100 proof Rye.
  16. fuck Stroh's, I'll crack open a bottle of whiskey
  17. I wish I'd taken peoples advice and bought myself an AK-47 for protection! Now is the time brother. Stock up while times are good (legally speaking). No better time than now to get those kinds of things. They are good investments as well. Rember what a pre-bad C-mag cost? I am thinking about getting another M-4 just for shits and giggles. sometimes you frighten me
  18. #)*&(*)(*)@(*)&$ work *(&*()@#&%@#*(_%&@#(_*%&@#(*_%&@(#_*&%(*@#&(_
  19. suspend disbelief. ignore any doubts, any fears. jump into the pool. don't worry, it's full of water. really. have hope.
  20. you need to have hope. hope for change.
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