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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Elitist!
  2. Bullshit. Nobody should believe anything you say.
  3. you forgot Adams and Jefferson, bro!! the word you seek is "conservatard"
  4. thus speaks the shrill, ultra-left-wing, nutcase idealogue... and dumbass to boot
  5. Gonna? Have you been living on the moon? It has been ugly for about 7 1/2 years now. Actually, it's been "ugly" for 20 years, but who's counting. It's about time the R's picked someone effective to fight back against the libtard attacks.
  6. Last time I tried the pizza place it was closed, but yes it is good. We got to North Bend late... 7:45. Jayberry's is good stuff... and closer to the freeway.
  7. YOU'RE GONNA BE SUCKING SOUR GRAPES IN ABOUT TWO MONTHS, BISH!! You really think the republicans fucking up this country for another 4 years is really going to come as a shock to me? But Rob, the Dems control congress. WTF, dude?
  8. Ronnie is smiling from above:
  9. BB1LODXcC2Y
  11. CHICKEN LITTLE THE SKY IS FALLING! Wring your hands, and lie all you want, Bug. B-HO is for smaller gov't? You are delusional.
  12. We could take Canada on a weekend,and get are meds for half price + lots of oil,gas,and cheap lumber! And Iran dosn't have beer! Poor libtards - you can only joke. It's ok, a sense of humor will serve you well for the next 12 year, and help alleviate the suffering you will feel after you are once again defeated in the presidential election.
  13. and you do? you must be really messed up, dude.
  14. Flee to Canada while you can. Or France. Hmmm...interesting. Actually, a shithead like you will always be able to leave. You bore me Prole. I'll wait for someone else to mess with today.
  15. That's what I call "putting America first"! Flee to Canada while you can. Or France.
  16. I suggest you guys stock up on booze and drugs to self-medicate. it's gonna be a long 12 years for you...
  17. Speaking of Back to the Future, Palin reminds me of Ronnie: articulate, likable, witty. Those zingers delivered with a smile will be most effective. I can't wait for the next "I paid for this microphone" or "There you go again". The debates are gonna be fun!
  18. After last night's spectacular speech by our next VP, Sarah Palin, it is obvious that the libtards don't have a snowball's chance in hell to win this election. Obamalama should concede this election immediately. As for all that $$$ he raised, he should put it where his mouth is and start a health-insurance non-profit for the uninsured. Best to cut your losses now, B-HO, and avoid the ignominy of defeat. Otherwise your name will join those of the other libtard losers: Algore and Lurch.
  19. and this will make Jesse Jackson happy, but very jealous that the pleasure was deprived of him
  20. "Obama has had time to write two memoirs but not a single piece of legislation" Obama is nothing but an empty suit and he's about to get his nuts torn off by a pitbull with lipstick.
  21. Palin will crush your pathetic libtard savior. You will eat shit, and I hope you all choke on it.
  22. Stalin slaughtered almost all his experienced generals in the late 30's. This left a huge leadership vacuum when Hitler invaded, leaving the Red Army in woeful disarray. They were very luck to have found Zhukov and a few others to save their asses. God job, Uncle Joe!
  23. That 0.0% of the population actually uses. sorry, but you forgot about Gary. not by choice, but nevertheless... I will vouch for the fact that Gary had a hot girlfriend a few months ago and she was not visibly pregnant. Back to Rumr's question; "When did you first have sex?" OK dork, when would you have had sex if any girl had let you within ten feet? Sex ed has to be more than a film strip in a gym class. The how's n why's have to be taught, re-taught, and postered where they are needed most. Jr high and Highschool. An condoms should be free and couseling for females who might use the pill, IUD's or other forms should be readily available. The alternatives are babies. More addled thinking and bullshit. There is no fucking silver bullet dude. And pay for your own kids' fucking contraceptive devices and teach them as YOU will. See how well that works for you - if the message is permissiveness and promiscuity, the results might not be so great.
  24. Equating Stalin's murder of millions to the US-Indian relations is a big pile of bullshit, even for you Bug. Moral relativism:
  25. planning to keep your kids away from him?
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