That 0.0% of the population actually uses.
sorry, but you forgot about Gary. not by choice, but nevertheless...
I will vouch for the fact that Gary had a hot girlfriend a few months ago and she was not visibly pregnant.
Back to Rumr's question; "When did you first have sex?"
OK dork, when would you have had sex if any girl had let you within ten feet?
Sex ed has to be more than a film strip in a gym class. The how's n why's have to be taught, re-taught, and postered where they are needed most. Jr high and Highschool. An condoms should be free and couseling for females who might use the pill, IUD's or other forms should be readily available. The alternatives are babies.
More addled thinking and bullshit. There is no fucking silver bullet dude.
And pay for your own kids' fucking contraceptive devices and teach them as YOU will. See how well that works for you - if the message is permissiveness and promiscuity, the results might not be so great.