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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Nice how you ignore Barry's escalated use of drones to kill more than his predecessor. But neither logical thinking nor consistency was ever your strong suit.
  2. Clearly your taxes aren't high enough. Nothing stops YOU from cutting a donation check to your federal, state, and local gov't, Jimbo. As for military expenditures. Fuck, sure doesn't seem like Barry has helped much there has he? 55% of discretionary spending you say. So what SHOULD the percentage be? And why don't you run a candidate that will get us there? Oh yeah, because it's easier to complain about the status quo, while keeping it... so it can be used as an argument forever against your political opponents even when they aren't running the show...
  3. yes, the bogey-man rich need to pay for that
  4. Are you talking about this thread? Adults? No idea of what is being discussed? How about this synopsis: You fucking idiot - wally world - I'm an arborist - happy ending - H&R block - I pay a lot in taxes - THC - it's impossible that you pay a lot in taxes - fuk the gov - fuk the dems - obama care - war on the middle class - teachers bla bla bla. I don't think an adult has looked at this thread since 2014
  5. Exactly the reason to do any job - because you love it. Good on you Ivan!
  6. [quote=AlpineK You really are clueless about what I do for work even though the answer is close by Just as a started stump grinding is not something I offer to do for any potential client. I've visited your web page before. You're missing the meta-point here, but much THC accumulation can readily explain that cognitive disability.
  7. But, FW, education is sooo expensive! It should be "free" - just like it is in "all the other developed nations".
  8. I hired an arborist last year, actually, to trim my 60 year old oak tree. If you were actually a reasonable person on spray and not such an asshole, I may have hired you. The guys that did the work were super nice, and I'll hire them again - I've got a stump that needs removed too.
  9. Again, we are talking about total taxation not just federal income tax. Are you fucking retarded? Or just such a brain-addled libtard you can't actually stop and register a point? And again, you are making assumptions about my income... and also on your own intellect and abilities to navigate tax forms. I'd eat you for lunch and shit you out on any intellectual topic. You are just not worth my time.
  10. Funny thing about revolutions and killing off the "rich" - guys doing stuff paid for by the "rich" suddenly have no clientele. Fucking landlords. Oops, that guy paid me 2K last year for some tree work.
  11. Jim just likes his little left-wing narratives way too much. I like how he extrapolates to the point of ridiculous and projects too. so cute. I'd say I've provided a good summary for a family of four and their tax burden for feds, local, and state - and providing you with the source of information - which shows a tax burden in the teens -- no where near the 30% you claim. If that really is the case I'd suggest you trot over to H&R Block next season as you are fumbling your tax returns. Or let me do it -- I manage our funds quite successfully. H&R block: trained monkeys typing data into TurboTax. Yeah, sounds like a plan. I doubt you're much higher on the evolutionary scale.
  12. Would that cover the insurance and possible law suit resulting from falling off a ladder in his yard? I'm sure he'd say "no thanks"
  13. Jim just likes his little left-wing narratives way too much. I like how he extrapolates to the point of ridiculous and projects too. so cute.
  14. I haven't made 60K since like 1995.
  15. In the past, say, 5-10 years ago, I paid 12-15% in Federal Income Tax obligations alone. I pay much more now. As for my point it was that ALL taxes combined are what matters, and I count Medicare/etc deductions that I pay and from which I will derive no benefit. That's a tax. So are gasoline taxes, property tax, sales tax, utilities - everything. 0.5% here, 1.0% there - nickel and dimed to death which easily will run up to 25% for someone in the middle class to upper middle class. Sales tax alone is almost 10% in WA and if you spend 25% of your annual income on taxable items that's 2.5%. I also count "use fees" which should be paid out of my taxes but are just another trick the gov't employees to suck out money from the citizens. Ditto for GoCard fees to cross the 520 and other taxes - whether called that or not.
  16. I guarantee you are paying nowhere near 30% of your income in taxes. Show us some numbers dude - otherwise it's more emergency arm waving You are fucking kidding me right? I'm going to post my personal income here for fodder from the douche buckets and shitheels that crawl out from their rocks repeatedly to snipe and shit everywhere in spray - you know the LCD forum on a climbing web site. BTW, your "guarantee" fails. Because your *ASSUMPTIONS* are faulty.
  17. Stunning libtard arrogance on display here. You have no clue re my taxes. And now teachers have the audacity to agitate for a 7.5% tax on capital gains? When it's possible to fund education without any tax increases? I think that's called "greedy math." And no, it's not about the kids. Thank God Republicans control the state Senate. FW, I'll bet Jim thinks 25%-30% of your income in taxes is "low", 'cos libtards believe in socialism, and would like to see the aggregate tax rate around 50-60% for all the peons in the middle class. And I am talking about all taxes in the aggregate: federal income, real estate, utilities taxes, gasoline, cigarettes and alcohol, sales tax and so on and so on and so on
  18. Why is it that teachers aren't paid more? Do we not value them like other developed nations? And hour wise they work more than 9 months. It's between 50 and 60 hrs week. I have a couple teacher friends. Coming back from Smith on a Sunday with one of them, he asked me to drive. Then he graded papers for 2 hours. Other nations have school 12 months a year, not 9. Are you factoring that in?
  19. I vote R to oppose dipshits like you
  20. Oh - chiming in on the teacher pay thing, I can't imagine, by any stretch of the imagination, someone thinking that teachers are over-paid. I work in the private sector and have had 5 years with the feds - but that's now over 25 years in the private sector. My spouse with an MS in a science field left the private and went into teaching 18 years ago. While she doesn't regret it she says she doubled her hours and halved her pay going to teach. With an MS in her field and 18 years teaching she makes decent pay - but particularly if you figure it out on a per hour basis - even including the six week summer break - it's modest. Younger teachers, particularly with families are in a bit more of a pinch. The gravy train argument is a nice conservative fairy tale. It's been a fact for decades that teachers are not paid exhorbitant salaries. And let's not forget they work 9 months of the year, not 12. People who go into teaching know what they are going to get in terms of pay and do it anyways. The endless whining about this gets old. If you want to go for money, pick a different career.
  21. How much do you spend a month on cigarettes?
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