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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. BS. I don't listen to Limbaugh. When I have I find his arguments too one-sided and simplistic. There is never an acknowledgement or consideration of the other POV. He is a Republican with a capital R; I am not. I don't even fall that close in line with FW. He is much closer to a Republican than I am. Conservative? On what? Fiscal issues - sure, to some extent. But R's don't actually walk the walk that they talk do they? Social issues? Like church in school, gay marriage, legalized pot.... not so much. The comic is stupid and the prefatory comment is a bullshit cheap shot. If AlpineK wants to take pot shots like that, I'll fire back. But I agree that it is like shooting fish in a barrel in his case.
  2. Bullshit. You prefaced the picture with this comment: "In a detailed study, soon to be released, it seems Fairweather and KK are the sickly and abandoned offspring of Rush Limbaugh It's good to see how far they've progressed from such humble beginings" Keep doing that and expect to get a middle finger.
  3. We didn't have any trouble finding the right spot. After rapping through the col the rock spur you have to drop down and around is obvious. Once you navigate around that, and knowing that you need to gain the ridge around 7600', the spot to head for is again pretty obvious. The part of the glacier that approaches the ridge crest is pretty broad, and it doesn't really approach it anywhere else near that elevation. I don't have any photos looking forward on the glacier but I'll see what my partner has. There are bivys where the glacier meets the ridge, a few very small ones shortly after the corner pitch (this is where we stayed) and then it looked like there would be a few more further on once things melt a little bit more. Thanks! I've heard of some folks missing the correct spot to get on the ridge and that's why I asked. I'd love to get back to Forbidden and climb the N ridge some time.
  4. ummm...like...isn't that human nature? explains why no one round here's that hepped-up about them gosh darn syrians It's not my fault I have to state the obvious
  5. you only get outraged if your buddy is the target. otherwise you are silent about anything over the top here his little cartoon was classless. if he treats me like crap, I'll return the favor
  6. hopefully it's not bum wine that night-train's a mean ride... have you heard? what's the word?
  7. hopefully it's not bum wine
  8. Nice work! Glad to hear my partner and I were not the only ones that took longer than expected to get to Boston Basin on the way out... seemed like we shouldn't have How easy was it to find the correct spot to gain the N ridge from the glacier? Do you have a pic of that?
  9. Off to Yosemite for a whole month?? I hate you ;-)
  10. pot. kettle. black. Wrong. Show me a single post that demonstrates that I've ever said anything approaching like what you said above. You can't. You've displayed plenty of "character" here that can be documented on the internet in perpetuity. rude, infantile, an asshole. it's fine - it's par for the course here, but don't claim to be on any high horse you own this site and yet you stand by while TTK threatens to rape FW's wife and kids, or Crux makes similar comments about FW's daughter. The list goes on and on. No outrage, and you even pile on with the insults But when your buddy gets a barb, after sniping and doing exactly what you claim to abhor (broad-brush stroking generalizations), you get all bent out of shape suddenly. if alpineK wants to snipe at me, I'll snipe back. If he shits on me, I'll shit back. When in Rome, do as the Romans. I'm not a punching bag.
  11. Wow, that's so creative. Rush Limbaugh! Amazing, but brain damage does limit one, doesn't it? nice bud Um, yea, we suspect this is a big part of his problems.
  12. Wow, that's so creative. Rush Limbaugh! Amazing, but brain damage does limit one, doesn't it?
  13. they'd still find a way to whine about how someone else got a better teat than theirs to suck on
  14. says the pasty white boy libtard I was born a poor black baby! have you found your "special purpose" yet?
  15. says the pasty white boy libtard
  16. yes, we are EXACTLY the same. Just like you, TTK and Glassgowkiss are 100% identical, separated at birth.
  17. Beware, Crux, Oly does not like this type of broad generalization and he is likely to bring it to you attention. Soon. Very soon. Conservatives are ALL THE SAME. In that case, it's true. So it's ok, FW.
  18. It's the CEO's doing nothing, FW! Wake up!!!
  19. Somebody call the waaambulance. Life isn't fair - you were also born stupid and ugly.
  20. Owning a Tesla is a Human Right. We need to tax the rich so all the blue collar folks can get one of these sweet 80K machines. Do it for the planet. Do if for the children.
  21. did you observe camping regulations being violated?
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