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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. STFU, Prole: linky
  2. quit bitchin' or you're gonna start sounding like Prole.
  3. in vino veritas
  4. That's easy: 1930's republican Spain. I'm not sure why this is a big deal. Trying to play "gotcha" again? To make it easier, I'd say I could think of a number of western European democracies and others around the world during different periods of the 20th century that I'd find more appealing than what this country has turned into. Namely, those that focused more attention and resources on fostering and institutionalizing enlightenment values and republican participation in the political process, those dealing more effectively with the stark inequalities in opportunities and living standards for regular folks, those that took the lessons from two world wars to heart and rejected chauvinist nationalism and belligerent "know-nothingism". Those that decided that education and culture and leisure and honest work and individual growth and preserving the integrity of the land require something more than "don't worry, lavishly rewarding humanity's worst impulses and basest desires will lead us to the promised land". Yep, pretty few and far between, fleeting glimpses really. Dumb thugs, aristocratic leftovers, fascists, economic kooks, shortsighted union bosses, IMF technocrats, and American firepower and skullduggery have done their job well. So good in fact that when all their bubbles stop popping they may find they've taken democracy with it. You're one whiny little bitch. Glass half empty? You could have a glass full to the brim and complain that the minuscus deprived you of a few microliters. Do yourself a favor and take advantage of initiative 1000 you sorry douche.
  5. I think that misinformed is a more fitting adjective. I invite you to provide links to the threads where I've made either argument. Mattp's MO is to manufacture fictitious arguments of others with whom he disagrees and attribute statements to them which they never made.
  6. +1
  7. Most of that snow is gone. :-( Hidden Lake Peaks looked cool. I wish I would have thought of that!
  8. Trip: Red Mountain - Scramble Date: 11/30/2008 Trip Report: My friend CC and I headed over to the pass to get some exercise after the first round of holiday gluttony. We hiked up to the trail's end near Red Pond and just picked a scramble line. Snow/ice started on the trail at about 4000 feet up through the top. Red mountain has patchy snow on the south, with a depth of a few inches. The rock was wet, loose, and slippery. All the nearby surrounding peaks looked about the same. We need a few more storms before we have anything resembling a snow pack and skiable terrain. Gear Notes: Ice axe.
  9. Your anger is sad. I pity you.
  10. I am sure the Christian right would support that given the power. Abstention IS the answer right? Oh and if you do have sex and go to an abortion clinic, they will shoot you. I'm so glad we aren't in Iran where they have religious fundamentalists running ammouck. I mean, what if they got into our Supreme court? Well, they'd prolly stop at abortion right? Or would they go after gays? It is a sin you know. It even says so in the Bible (can you help me with which verse that was?). And once they erradicate that sin, they will need another one to focus on. Eventually, they will be knockin on Bill's door for posting prn on the internet. Keep them guns handy Bill. Your anger is sad. I wish you well.
  11. Sorry Bill, WE are the true TERRORISTS! Get with the program!
  12. Fuck! I knew it. Obama is a terrorist! After all, the US is the REAL terrorist, and these ILLEGAL wars are really terrorist operations, and Obama is just going to continue them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obviously, you were sleeping through that part of history as most good republicans did. al Quaida attacked us on 9/11. Their leaders were in Afganistan. Iraq did not attack us. al Quaida leaders were not in Iraq when we attacked. Get it now? Of course not. Because then you would have to admit that you fell for a big lie and were as wrong as you could be. But you do not have the huevos to admit that. We are occupying parts of Afghanistan, conducting military operations there, killing people, including innocents. Considering these activities, we are the REAL terrorists according to your previous statements. And Obama is supporting these operations, so he is a terrorist, and all you who voted for him are terrorist sympathizers.
  13. Fuck! I knew it. Obama is a terrorist! After all, the US is the REAL terrorist, and these ILLEGAL wars are really terrorist operations, and Obama is just going to continue them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Agreed. Bills are paid and checkbook is balanced. Now it's time to log off, and go hang with the inlaws. Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone. Over and Out.
  15. Weren't you supposed to have a pull-up contest with fattrash, with a 40lb weight tied to you waste? Whatever happened to that?
  16. Fuck you, Bug. Seriously, not just spray. You are an asshole. Your attacks have been consistant and abusive. Either take what you dish out like an adult or take your ball and go home. This is just a game or a virtual world. Most people here will not hold your posts against you in the real world. If you stay and continue to spew venom, just remember that verse, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." You are not a nice person on this board and I continue to be dissappointed with your finger pointing as though you are somehow above it all and being victimized. Seriously, read your last 100 posts in spray, or your last ten replies to something I have posted, and tell me you are proud of your Christian demeanor. Or point out in a respectful way where I am wrong and I will reply with equal respect. The opportunities are many as you well know. Better yet give up this cesspool and direct your energies more productively. Your anger is getting the best of you here and I know how bad that feels. Regardless of what you do, I have met you and see good in you. I hope you let that overshadow your persona on this board. Keith There are a few assholes on this board to whom I consistently dish back what shit they fling my way. There are a quite a few people who are pretty cool, and I have had no problem with them, and have been consistently respectful to them, unlike your BS claim above. I once thought you were in the latter group. If you want to be in the former than so be it. You don't think I'm nice? Well, right back at you buddy. We've met in person, and I expect a different level of respect from someone I have met. I post very infrequently these days. And yet, you fling my name out at random in a personal attack. You are just as disrespectful, divisive, and unpleasant as you have recently claimed I am. You are disappointed in me? The feeling is mutual.
  17. Pat Gallagher, making shit up about a subject like racism isn't cool. When I next see you in person you're going to be asked to account for this lie. Hopefully he'll be institutionalized for his mental illness before that ever happens.
  18. Fuck you, Bug. Seriously, not just spray. You are an asshole.
  19. I put a fatwa on your jihad!
  20. Obama will meet with these folks without preconditions. They will be so impressed by his brilliance and reasonableness compared to the Bushies, and his promises to leave Iraq, that they will immediately see the error of their ways and stop killing innocent people.
  21. Mike, the headless chicken:
  22. some animals are more equal than others
  23. I see you are enjoying the pigsty and it's #1 resident butter hog.
  24. .
  25. KaskadskyjKozak

    FOR J_B

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