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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. well, kevbone does post a lot
  2. Either Kelloggs is being paranoid and doing this preemptively, or... they are getting a bunch of calls from sanctimonious losers who are demanding that Phelps gets dropped. Interesting what they'd do if they got a bunch of calls from the stoner camp, who eat lots of cereal while having the "munchies" and demand that Phelp's sponsorship be reinstituted or else they'll eat another brand of cereals. :-)
  3. This country is full of self-righteous dick heads. Phelps has achieved more than 99.9999% of the populace. Leave the dude in peace!
  4. The US market already has a similar drink: Budweiser.
  5. TMNT
  6. Fixed your error. I fixed yours. They aren't mutually exclusive statements, more complimentary. There's nothing "complimentary" about either act... or Kevbone for that matter.
  7. "spiced" a la American Pie, I am sure.
  8. Fixed your error. I fixed yours.
  9. Who is spraying? Bonds is a dick.
  10. Barry Bonds is more of an a-hole.
  11. No shit. I thought 20 hours on the W ridge of Stuart last August was a long day. Nice effort!
  12. McDonalds could get meat for their Chicken McNuggets and nobody would know the difference.
  13. Kulina women speak a completely different language from men... and that is different from the rest of the world - how?
  14. linky
  15. That's what you get for calling the mailman a jizz-gargling clownpuncher. Karma, baby.
  16. Looks like he got a government bail out.
  17. Gun nut!
  18. Did she do a 10-essentials check too?
  19. I noticed this on the way out from the Tooth. Is it a named route?
  20. somebody call the waaaaahmbulance! Hey Prole, maybe they should pay your student loans too?
  21. Trip: Das Toof! - S. Face Date: 2/8/2009 Trip Report: I took advantage of the forecast and ran up the classic alpine lakes gem we all love... all the better with the chill of winter. We were the only party on the route. The climbing route is mostly snow free until the scrambly section. The summit has snow as well. In the morning: KK about to catwalk: Mountain pron from the summit: Au revoir, old friend! Gear Notes: Small alpine rack. Ice axe, crampons. Approach Notes: Icy on cat track, powder up higher. Some sections with breakable crust.
  22. When was the last time you posted something other than political drivel? When was the last time you ever fucking climbed anything?
  23. I know that arguing toe to toe with the rightwing is distasteful to people like you but you fail to realize that 3rd grade level rhetoric and below is what has set this country's course for decades now. Millions listen to fucking rush limbaugh and until you recognize that fact and get your pretty hands dirty, the barbarians will keep running all over you. you really are a complete fucking nut
  24. You also don't have a single functioning neural synapse. Now go eat a bag of dicks and STFU.
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