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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. You should go with j_b and Tvash!
  2. KaskadskyjKozak


    You forgot to reply to yourself 15 times. Did you manage to take one of your meds today?
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    Wow, this is a big breakthrough for you. Congratulations. Now if you could just apply this logic to American conservatism. Hey, Einstein - pretty much every American knows this thanks to the "conservative" congress of 1998-2006 and the "conservative" presidency of W.
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    God, you're dumb. Right back at you, fucktard. What Marx wrote and how Marxists actually behave are two very different things. Whitebread left-winger morons are amongst the most racist people on the planet. That would be you.
  5. KaskadskyjKozak


    It's Marxists like you who are rotten to the core with racism, j_b.
  6. KaskadskyjKozak


    With you it's not red baiting. You are what you are.
  7. KaskadskyjKozak


    Word of the day? Ya know, I think I actually like it better than "neanderthal". he's been using it for years. he's got a limited vocabulary to go along with his limited ideology
  8. KaskadskyjKozak


    YOU'RE the regressive, you 19th century Marxist fuck.
  9. I call bullshit. How could anyone no longer be friends with you? Try clicking around. Right click the image, try to copy image, copy image link. Try View->Page Source (Firefox) and see how the image is marked up on the page - you may find a way to link to it more directly. Good luck!
  10. I like your new sig!
  11. Lane Peak - The Zipper.
  12. KaskadskyjKozak


    Human nature is metaphysical nonsense? Marxists have trouble with human nature. (from each according to his ability, to each according to his need... hah)
  13. I've gotta agree with you. What's with the "oh, we'll just roll over and wait for the new guy to deal with Healthcare" pablum BS? They've got a filibuster proof majority for two weeks, ram that sucker through and tell the Republicans to fuck off. Lose one battle and give up? How about a little leadership instead. Harry Reid is likely going down the next election anyway, he should stop being a coward and get something done. True enough. Did Gingrich worry about not ramming shit through for the "Contract" in '94? Sack up, Dems. How the minority party feels is (mostly) irrelevant.
  14. KaskadskyjKozak


    SEE, THE SYSTEM WORKS!!! Your "system" would never work
  15. well, the main camps have disposal containers, so Rainier (on the beaten path) is not usually an issue.
  16. Goldman Sachs JP Morgan weird
  17. when is this dude up for reelection? in two years? he can fuck up too and be gone soon enough now go lick sack you little bitch
  18. how far can you typically get up that logging road in the winter?
  19. Thanks for reminding me how nice it was without you around here acting like a fucking fuckwad prick all the time. Because things are oh so pleasant when Peter Puget acts like a fuckwad prick? PP has had the same doucheing trolling schtick for as long as Spray's been around. pp trolls. how terrible.
  20. you guys lose one friggin' race and you're all overwrought one day later. talk about insecurity
  21. Thanks for reminding me how nice it was without you around here acting like a fucking fuckwad prick all the time. he's not acting
  22. third party anyone? Beuler? fucking Beuler?
  23. estamos fudidos and will continue to be so
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