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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Sure, a family of 4 living of $66 per week in food stamps is really going to hit up the organic section at the local Safeway when they can buy an entire meal-in-a-box for $4.99? http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/12/05/a-high-price-for-healthy-food/ This time TTK is right.
  2. Fair enough. It's been a while since I was there.
  3. I know of a family nearby me. They eat at the McDonalds down my ways a lot...and I do mean a lot. They are not as educated as many people, however the biggest culprit I can see in my limited view is their "laziness". It takes work to make meals and take care of your house. I can see they do not like to work at improving things much. They do watch a lot of TV too. Yep. How much do 4 "value meals" cost? How much do a few carrots, celery, an onion, a whole chicken and some noodles cost?
  4. Where the hell are you buying apples at $0.59 a pound?
  5. I've never seen a bacon commercial. How do people figure out to buy this toxic shit?
  6. I've seen a lot of Budweiser commercials and have never bought that piss-water.
  7. There's medication for that, I think. In V's case, he's gotten good at "luv"-in his sister in laws.
  9. Dad, can we have McDonald's? No. Wow, that was tough.
  10. Does that "full disclosure" include public school cafeteria fare?
  11. Not a "right", but a *requirement*, on a schedule dictated by the j_bot.
  12. You love having a new topic to whine about. Oh, the humanity! Regulate it!
  13. Very poor logic: you are essentially arguing that junk food shouldn't be regulated because it isn't regulated. The point is that it should be regulated like a controlled substance. Anyway, junk food addiction likely kills people faster than addiction to tobacco. Wahmbulance alert! j-bot's getting his panties in a wad again!
  14. especially your sister-in-laws, eh V?!
  15. Whatever you say virendra7
  16. that depends where you live:
  17. Yeah, this is so much more "plausible"!
  18. Gonna bring the ghetto blaster and strap it to my shoulder next time - blast it real loud - avalanches triggered before I even get there. Tried and true. What style of music have you found to be most effective at this? :-)
  19. On a glacier it's often easy to go around large, slow parties. Especially when your cruising the Easton on your snowmachine because it's not in any wilderness area. Snowmobilers are only allowed there through May, aren't they? something about the amount of snow at the TH (2 feet?)
  20. Just McD's Rob? eh? Start naming fast-food franchises. Then move on to chain-restaurants - not much better. How many calories and grams of fat in a Red Robin Burger? How about your average lunch special at a chinese restaurant?
  21. Corporate Shill!
  22. On a glacier it's often easy to go around large, slow parties.
  23. This is why it's usually best to mind one's own fucking business. Just a suggestion. Helmets and running protection have never been standard fare on the South climb. Not sure why you feel the need spoil your otherwise good TR with a sermon. Hey FW - next time could you do me a favor and tie some knots in the ends of your rope? Mmmkay? Thanks.
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