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Posts posted by Skeezix

  1. The atheists posted a sign at the state capitol that reads, in part: "Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."


    To counter this message, Pastor Ken Hutcherson of Redmond's Antioch Bible Church, plans to unveil his own sign that says, in part: "There is one God... Atheism is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."


    I'm confused as to how one could consider atheism a superstition. Isn't atheism essentially lack of faith in God?


    Seattle Times News Story

  2. MFOTH was most influential for me in my formative years (the 70's), but my first climbing reference was The Adventurer's Sourcebook. This publication was loosely modeled after Stewart Brand's Whole Earth Catalog, and contained information about backpacking, canoeing, skiing, rockclimbing, mountaineering, etc. with depictions of essential gear and info on where to get it. From there, I ordered catalogs from REI and Eddie Bauer --probably the only copies they sent to Richmond, Virginia in 1973. And a key event was an episode of ABC's Wide World of Sports that reported on big wall climbers in Yosemite. Prior to escaping the East Coast, I also read Colin Fletcher's The Complete Walker, from which I acquired foundational backpacking knowledge. Then I masturbated while my parents were out for a walk and one thing led to another...


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