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Posts posted by Skeezix

  1. I think I liked it better around here when Fairweather shut the fuck up after he made a fool of himself predicting McCain in a landslide, only to learn what a loser he is after his man got his head handed to him by Obama. Seems like he's back for more abuse from his betters.

  2. I've got some serious memories of climbing at Spire Rock back in the late seventies. I met a young guy named Jim Yoder there one day, and subsequently ran into him several times a week until he moved to Leavenworth. We used to dance all over that thing. It was awesome.

  3. Originally Posted By: pc313

    I 've seen AC/DC 3 times in the 70s-80s as the openning act,they sucked big time,and i was not there to see them so would walk around the halls smoking dope wishing they would stop making rock sound like shit,but do like some of their songs for Angus can play the blues,but hate bands where most of their songs sound the same,album after album! Rush is the same,i jam with a few friends who will put on AC/DC or RUSH CDs and get pissed when i tell them to just play track 1 and put it on repeat for 10 times and get it out of your system for i do not need to hear the rest of the songs for its like some one telling you a joke and after the frist line you tell them the punch line,and they keep going for 45mi. But have heared the new Rush CD and it was a little better with some jazz songs mixed in,but after the third time in two days i never want to hear it again!!

    Dude, you're nuts.


    2112, Hemispheres, Signals, Moving Pictures - each album completely different, with a different sound.


    "Floy boy night ...squeak squawk croak."

    Drunk munchkin on crack.

  4. Rush. Geddy Lee croaking out "Fly by night!" Yuck. The other two guys in that band were pretty good. You'd think they'd have been able to find a decent singing bass player. The Police did.
    nice troll. what about all of Rush's instrumentals where Geddy does not sing?

    I said the other two guys were pretty good. But not good enough to overcome Geddy Lee's singing. He sings like a drunk munchkin on crack.





  5. Rush. Geddy Lee croaking out "Fly by night!" Yuck. The other two guys in that band were pretty good. You'd think they'd have been able to find a decent singing bass player. The Police did.

  6. AC/DC.. always the same thing, guitar starts, drums do a very slightly modified rock-beat.. annoying singer starts screeching in a way too high voice.


    I agree to a point. Singer Brian Johnson's voice is fingernails on a slateboard in the way that GNR's Axl Rose's voice is. But AC/DC sounded great on their 1978 album Powerage, when they were fronted by Bon Scott. Unfortunately, Scott died of alcohol poisoning in 1980, and they made the mistake of thinking they could replace him with Johnson. Wrong.

  7. I tend to like other culture's religions better than my own. Take shamanism, as practiced by the NW Coast Indian groups. I like that better than Christianity. I like the masks and rattles. I like the crazy hairdos, the faith healing, the spells. I like the trance-like states, chants, and incantations.


    What's not to like?


    Christianity, on the other hand... Too many uptight Republicans there for my taste.

  8. The Rolling Stones.


    Supporting that thesis in light of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary is going to be an uphill battle. When Keith Richards lays down rhythm on that 5-string Telecaster, women perspire.

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