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Posts posted by Skeezix

  1. From the Seattle Times: Clinton on Thursday launched a three-state, 21-hour, cross-country marathon campaign swing. Speaking to several hundred supporters in Charleston, W.Va., Clinton acknowledged she has come under growing pressure to drop out. She suggested she will stay at least until Tuesday's primary.


    "Some folks say, 'You've got to end this before you get to West Virginia,' " she said. "I think we want to keep this going so the people of West Virginia's voices are heard."



  2. People sometimes become disoriented on the Muir route, especially when poor weather closes in, which can happen suddenly. Pay close attention to terrain and landmarks on your way up, but keep in mind that they can disappear if the clouds close in. I wouldn't carry crampons, but poles could be handy. It's a trudge ...lots of one foot in front of the other.


    Also, drink extra water and take extra deep breaths. Climbing up to 10,000 ft. can result in some nausea due to altitude. Dehydration can contribute to such illness.

  3. If you started climbing at PP in '77, you beat me there by two years. I grew up climbing there and in the Icicle. Cro-Magnon requires you to tuck your knees up by your ears as you scrunch across a friction slab with a roof constricting over your head. I remember wishing I was a smaller person. And of course ...there's rattlesnakes there.


    I'll see if I can locate my trigger finger picture and upload it.


  4. I play a Silvertone with broken pickguard and a cheese grater pickup through a 1980 50-watt Peavey Classic purchased with a student loan. Seen here at a gig on the Ross Lake Guard Station float:


  5. When I think of Stevie Ray Vaughn, I think of his tone. The secret to good tone on the electric guitar: thick strings and strong fingers.


    Well... Howard Dumble amplifiers help, too...

  6. David Lindley slide solo on Jackson Browne's "Redneck Friend" or his solo on "People Are You Ready" (unfortunately one particular performance on bootleg recording only)

    Alvin Lee & Ten Years After "I'm Going Home" from Woodstock

    Hendrix Star Spangled Banner Woodstock ...although my favorite feel good Hendrix solo is "Let the Good Times Roll"

    Steve Hunter Intro to "Sweet Jane" from Lou Reed's Rock n' Roll Animal

    Norman Blake "Old Brown Case" from Live at McCabe's

    Larry Carlton on Steely Dan's "Reelin in the Years"

    Any Stevie Ray Vaughn solo


  7. Not Slash. Older. I believe this player is still actively performing. Some maintain this artist's use of manipulated sustained distortion influenced Hendrix's playing.

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