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Posts posted by Skeezix

  1. 1. You shouldn't worry, you're training and will be ready.

    2. The advice about getting up to elevation (6-8,000') and hanging out there to acclimate before your climb is good advice --but we don't always have the time to do that. What can hurt you is going from sea level to 10k all in one day.

    3. Drink lots of water. Pee should run clear to pale yellow. Pay attention to this one!

    4. Again, don't worry, you're going to have a great adventure.


  2. I met him once about fifteen years ago. I didn't know who he was. He was descending Boston Basin with some big swarthy Eastern European climber who didn't speak any English. Bullitt introduced himself to me and showed me his backcountry permit. He was very friendly and had a larger-than-life personality that radiated optimism. I couldn't help but like him right off. What a character! RIP Stim Bullitt...

  3. Obama ordered military resources be used to free the hostage captain. Maybe the Obama haters will shut up for about a minute. Nah, probably not.


    Navy Seals kick some. Hats off to the captain, who apparently helped the Seals by jumping off the lifeboat. Again. Nice to have some ordinary heroes, like him, and the pilot that landed the plane in the Hudson River. And the Seals. They all deserve credit for bravery.

  4. that was funny, 'zix. who are those guys?

    Madness was a ska band from the Two-Tone era in Britain. They tended to have their tongues planted in their cheeks more firmly even than the Specials, the Selecter,or others of their ilk.


    All hail YouTube!

  5. I bought one of the Asus eee netbooks -the one with the 10" screen- and put an extra RAM stick in it. I took it to Thailand and used it to download photos and videos from my cameras, as well as to check my e-mail where I had wireless. It was extremely handy for traveling, but I've quickly tired of the limitations of the small screen for day-to-day mobile job tasks, and I wish I had bought a laptop instead. My Asus has the web cam and comes loaded with Skype, but I haven't used that feature yet (I don't have anybody to call that has Skype...).

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